Change race/order facility [merged]
+1 for race change
Race change is NOT a good idea. Why? It would and WILL screw up your personal storyline from levels 1 thru 30, and after 30 it’s based upon choices you make, regardless of race, but from there on, it depends on which Order you choose to be a part of. However, I can see changing Orders being easily implemented. For my side of things, if ANet chooses to implement an Order change facility, that’s great, just allow the player to use both the former level 80 Order armors/weapons, and the current Order’s weapons/armors.
Charr are full on athiest, they would never ever bow or pray to any of the human gods.
Well… except for the few that aren’t, the flame legion to name a few…
Flame Legion don’t worship human gods; they worshiped the Titans first (when they were known as the Gold Legion) and then the Destroyers. They’re currently looking for a way to rez their god.
They don’t have much luck in picking their gods…
Yes, obviously my post was about the human gods part of that statement, not the full on atheist portion. Especially when I said “the few that aren’t” as in “that aren’t _______”
my warrior is sleeping, hoping for race change to return
I have an Asura Guardian and Human Elementalist waiting for race change aswell. Would use a name change contracts for them aswell.
When you have 100% World Completion, some expanded backpack slots etc, you name it! You dont want to delete a character to start from scratch.
There is already many good solutions for how this race change thing could be implemented which makes me very optimistic that it will someday happen!
The exact reason I wanna change my Guardian. I love my Asura Guardian, honestly I do. There are days when I wish I had just made him Human, though. I’ve put 700+ hours into him, with 200+ dyes unlocked just on him, there’s no way I’m deleting him.
comon gogo !!!
+1 race change
I agree Race Change should be implemented into the Game because not everyone wants to re-level another character with planning on having everything be the same but the only difference is the race, or to make it more appealing in a story fashion if you absolutely want to change into this race for sure and have it stay that race then it will open an extra story for you. You could go on some quest where you have to go find and capture some “evil” shaman because of experiments he has been conducting and when you get to his lair you find yourself wakening up in a dungeon as that new race you have chosen to and angrily you fight your way out of the dungeon and route your way through his castle to try and find the shaman to change you back while also going through changes as your sympathizing with the race you chose more seeing the hardships they’ve gone through. Once finally reaching the Shaman (through multiple bonus personal story lines) figuring out that this was all just a setup by whichever Destiny’s Edge Character race you choose to become to get you to redeem your hatred or dislike of the race you chose because of something that made you have strong feelings against them in the first place, with that in mind The Shaman will change you back to your previous race if you didn’t enjoy being that race, Stay that race which will change future personal storylines of course. Mind that even if you stay the race you originally were that storyline you went through would have never actually happened and would be “erased” in some context while the 800 or 1600 gems would still be used but the race change option is still available for you but is free of gems this time as u never actually changed races so this way people can try all other races tell they find that perfect one
I agreed
GG race changes!
I believe race change would introduce problem for the main story. It could be done after the main story is completed.
Race change is NOT a good idea. Why? It would and WILL screw up your personal storyline from levels 1 thru 30, and after 30 it’s based upon choices you make, regardless of race, but from there on, it depends on which Order you choose to be a part of. However, I can see changing Orders being easily implemented. For my side of things, if ANet chooses to implement an Order change facility, that’s great, just allow the player to use both the former level 80 Order armors/weapons, and the current Order’s weapons/armors.
The idea, in case you missed it, would be that it would reset your personal story. There would be separate service that would only reset your personal story so you could replay it and make different choices.
Like the original poster, I too realised too late what I wanted couldn’t be achieved simply because of the race I had chosen. I ended up making a new main character (my original main guardian had 62% map completion – sadly, yes, I was that desperate to make a new char simply for the appearance I wanted) just so I could choose the race I was happy with.
I had all my outfits sussed, only to realise it A) didn’t look as nice on my sylvari, or
the armour I liked was ‘cultural’ and my sylvari couldn’t wear it anyway. The amount of time and money I then had to reinvest into a new guardian just to change the race was annoying, and as a gamer I can say hand on heart it is a real turn off not being able to change races – gosh, even adding it as an option to the gem store for like 300-800 gems would suffice in my opinion, but the fact that there is no option at all other than to reroll completely can turn people away from gw2 altogether.
I think it’s a much needed update either way. That, and dyeable weapons (I live in hope…)
I feel for you, and trust me, I can relate.
But you can forget a 300 to 800 gem cost for a race change. Afterall, it cost 1800 gems to transfer to another server. And the race-change option would require a bit of work on Anets end, so you really can’t blame them if they make this option a “high-end” expensive one. I could easily live with a cost of 2500 gems, or 25 dollars.
I would pay upwards of $25 for a race change instead of taking up another 200 of my hours to level up the same profession with a different race
The price would be good if it is already 500 to 600 until after full makeover is 350 gems, people understand and change race just $ 25 or 1600 gems and so absurd to change race, or they can keep the price of 350 gems and so add more features in kit and ready totalmekeover simple.
Race change is NOT a good idea. Why? It would and WILL screw up your personal storyline from levels 1 thru 30, and after 30 it’s based upon choices you make, regardless of race, but from there on, it depends on which Order you choose to be a part of. However, I can see changing Orders being easily implemented. For my side of things, if ANet chooses to implement an Order change facility, that’s great, just allow the player to use both the former level 80 Order armors/weapons, and the current Order’s weapons/armors.
The idea, in case you missed it, would be that it would reset your personal story. There would be separate service that would only reset your personal story so you could replay it and make different choices.
This is a good idea. The problem is that Anet probably didn’t build the games architecture to accommodate such a thing. Most likely some massive overhauls to the personal story system would be needed. It’s possible, but not probable. Anet has to weigh the cost of such an overhaul vs the projected profit of race change sales, and consider whether it’s more important than dozens of other (potentially more profitable) things they could work on.
I would love a race change, but I don’t think it’s likely anytime soon. Maybe in another year or so.
I would pay upwards of $25 for a race change instead of taking up another 200 of my hours to level up the same profession with a different race
Just FYI, the gold to craft to 80 in less than an hour if ur organized about it would be ~$20 if you went $ -> gems -> gold -> buy off tp without even using buy orders.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
I want to change my race to Human, make it happend A-net!
Please A-net, say something…
Never implement -> delete my warrior…
No plans -> still playing with my guardian
One day we implement -> i will farm my warrior!
- There are many like me!
Aye, Say somethings → Its suggestion…
(But the players can try write petition ^^)
If never implement maybe i delete my warrior too .. ^^
Race change please. There are days (every day) when i just curse myself for making a human engi instead of an asura engi. Already level 80, completed personal story, unlocked loads of rare dyes, jetpack, rank 80 in wvw, etc…sooo yeah leveling another toon of the same profession doesn’t really appeal to me..Would gladly drop $20+ dollars for it
+1 for race change !
Honestly it wouldn’t be that hard, I wouldn’t mind having that character unplayable for a day or however long it took for Anet to change my race.
Reset my personal story with no rewards I don’t care.
And for the people saying it would be to unrealistic than take a step back and realize that your playing a MMO fantasy RPG race changes can happen.
I would pay upwards of $25 for a race change instead of taking up another 200 of my hours to level up the same profession with a different race
Just FYI, the gold to craft to 80 in less than an hour if ur organized about it would be ~$20 if you went $ -> gems -> gold -> buy off tp without even using buy orders.
Wow?!!?! Do i Also get my World Completion? My Soulbound items??
will my new warrior be 10 months old?
+1 for race change
It’s good idea. I created a charr warrior, but he’s looking horrible in heavy armors. He looks like big guy in too little clothes…
I would pay upwards of $25 for a race change instead of taking up another 200 of my hours to level up the same profession with a different race
Just FYI, the gold to craft to 80 in less than an hour if ur organized about it would be ~$20 if you went $ -> gems -> gold -> buy off tp without even using buy orders.
Wow?!!?! Do i Also get my World Completion? My Soulbound items??
will my new warrior be 10 months old?
Why does their age or a little dinky star matter? o.O you don’t just magically lose your gifts of exploration and your gear skins can be transferred.
That other $5 would buy you most of a set of gear, but the free badges of honor you’re getting currently would fix that for you anyway.
+ 1 for race change! I can see awesome outcomes.
I gave up on race change after waiting several months and investing money into a character I didn’t really enjoy aesthetically. She doesn’t have any extra bag slots, nor map completion. I did, however, drop ~50g on t3 pieces. But… it’s a game. I can make the money back, so I’m re-leveling as a different race and will delete my norn when I have used all her skillpoints and transferred all her rare skins.
If race change was available, yeah, I 100% would have bought it. But I got tired of waiting.
Make this happen ANet, I will love you forever.
+ 1 for race change! <3 someday…
same +1 for change ;|
+1 Make it happen!
If you can’t figure out you don’t enjoy a race up until you are lvl 80 it is not A-Nets fault. You could go to PvP zone and see all your race skills at lvl 2 so “i didn’t know the skills for this race/profession” won’t save your case
So No race change
You are joining an order because you “agree” with their methods of solving the dragon problem not because of the fancy looks. If you are doing it just for that, there is full of wiki pages on how the armors look on all races. Again, not A-Nets fault, but your own
So No for order change.
(edited by Ronah.2869)
No… No race change… Just create an new character if u are sick and tired of u’r old one! The makeoverkit is fine though but please, NO race change!!!!!
No… No race change… Just create an new character if u are sick and tired of u’r old one! The makeoverkit is fine though but please, NO race change!!!!!
If you can’t figure out you don’t enjoy a race up until you are lvl 80 it is not A-Nets fault. You could go to PvP zone and see all your race skills at lvl 2 so “i didn’t know the skills for this race/profession” won’t save your case
So No race changeYou are joining an order because you “agree” with their methods of solving the dragon problem not because of the fancy looks. If you are doing it just for that, there is full of wiki pages on how the armors look on all races. Again, not A-Nets fault, but your own
So No for order change.
why not?
change game for you?
+1 to the race change
I have no idea how it happened but it’s been 9 months since I’m struggling playing my main Sylvari and I just can’t relate to him. I tried a dosen of Total makeover Kits (10+) trying to find a good look for him but it was never it. I love my name but it doesn’t suit my Sylvari. I guess I made a mistake, like many of us, when we decided to choose Sylvari as they were new race and they’d have interesting lore but I just can’t relate to him anymore. And I’m really struggling right now hoping for a miracle.
The name doesn’t fit, all the Light armors don’t fit (even the T3 cultural got bored), can’t really have that Scholar look on him at all :’(
Some suggested delete and recreate but I created this fella 25th August! The prerelease! 25th! I’m too attached to that date to just waste it, not to mention that I soloed on my main for 1.1k hours (total of 2.2k). I wanna grow old with my King! And on top of that I got him his Legendary… :’(
I’m so desperate for a race change to a human I even considered mailing Anet to help me out! I would really pay anything for a race change!
Yeah, feel the same for my Charr Guardian, def. +1 for race change kit
+1 for race change, why would it be so tough to pull it off i don’t know, i am pretty sure they have the assets to do it, maybe don’t want to invest into it as it clearly encourages more hours of gameplay right now.
+1 to race change
We’ll have none of that !
-None piece-
There won’t be any race change, but if they will implement it, it should come with some penalties: the loss of all soul bound items and no rewards from the new storyline (items, xp or karma) Why? Because “bad decisions” should have some consequences.
No one is responsible for anyone’s boredom with a character other then the owner of that character.
I can see an order change only though the a story plot not like a gem shop item. It will fit the lore and you will be given a second free chance which is more then fair.
i would love to see a race change kit
plzzzz let us change races
The amount of money to be made of this is ENORMOUS! I was silly enough to make my necro a female Asura (light armor). Most of my armor choices share the same model with the male counterpart. Not to mention all of my weapons are scaled down in size to almost non existence. This character has 1000+ hours on it and 3 bank tabs full of soulbound equip, weapons, gem store items, all inventory unlocks, etc so rerolling is just not feasible.
I would glady pay 2000+ gems for this feature and also all the gem store armor sets ( as they look incredible on light human females.)
tl:dr not rerolling, $100’s of dollars to be spent, ANET take my money!
ArenaNet stop putting items on the gemstore that people don’t like. You will make alot of money if you do this… People want it!
+ 1 for race change
Allow players to be able to race change at some point cause there are to many soulbound things as it is, fractles levels not account bound. Legendary weapons and soulbound accdent trinkets i.e. neck and earrings soulbound items.. The personal story alone is not a good reason to tell players this wont be an option anymore cause you will not be you anymore… This item could be highly priced with strings attached and it would still be very popular and a huge success in the gem store. I for one would welcome race changes, not like personal makeover kits are really all that far off from a Race change kit I mean you can change your sex height and body shape ect ect and that is just your alt ever evolving to suit your needs. The people crave freedom not being told no or just re-roll to another alt, I could understand though about time gating this feature if you should in fact add new races to the game at a later date though.
the only problem with this would be that you get the personal story rewards again if they reset it when the new character is created, BUT if the price of the change is something like 20€ its more than paid in my opinion.
Yes please… +1
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
Also on another note I can’t see a problem with cultural armor as you might’ve noticed some of the Asura counciliors wear human t3 light armor.
I don’t see why they couldn’t sell a gem store item that reset your personal story and one that was a total race change + story reset. It’d just be 2 tiers of the same item like the makeover kits.
I totally love this idea! that is what I have been thinking!
hair change+1:)
I don’t know why anyone is against this. What harm can this do to you, if anet gave us a race change? I don’t want to make a new character because of soulbound skins, commander tag and the fractal back. Even if I made a new character, I would refuse to help anyone in low level zones so, getting us to play old content again is a worthless argument. A lot of us only WvW so, leveling a new char is a hassle. In other words, we don’t care about the lore/story if it bugs out. We just want a race change and reset the story if it’s needed (which no one will probably complete).