Change race/order facility [merged]

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pakki.4175


+1 for this

Even I have to purchase the change race kit with gem and have to start my personal story all over again.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legionary.3075


I would pay for this. Race change should be accomplished with personal story reset and cultural armor conversion. I’m not sure why anyone would be opposed to this since we already have gender change.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614


CC Eva
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  1. - 2012/11/07 10:17:57 AM (2012/11/07 05:17:57 UTC-5)
    Hi there, Bacon.

I am afraid that the team does contemplate different possibilities and new features for the future but this one is not among those. So maybe it would make more sense to just try with a Charr and discover in the process the attractive of the Charr world .

Dam i jus found out that arenanet is against this

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex.9567


have a look at the reason


Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

yeah i see most people play humans? it dosent means race chance cant be implemented. if some1created a charr exemple and he wants to be a human this
person will pay gems to buy it and arenanet will make money.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


+1 race change!

OBS: i like char !!!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lexas.7410


please add a race change…
just reset the story

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Posted by: Kingmutez.4931


i doubt they will ever add a race change, its messes up the personal story too much, they could add a faction/order change. that should be more doable.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


They will never add a race change. As reasons previously stated. And once again as far as order goes, with the account wallet you can use an alternate character to become a member of that order and buy the gear to transmute it to the character you want it on.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex.9567


yeah i see most people play humans? it dosent means race chance cant be implemented. if some1created a charr exemple and he wants to be a human this
person will pay gems to buy it and arenanet will make money.

as you are aware Anet are against the idea, not for the reasons the policing members of this community would have us believe (thats merely their opinion) as Anet has never given the reason why. I personally say a much stronger reason is the fact that Human race population is far larger than all the other races, and allowing race change would probabaly only skew demographics even further towards the human race, and in a game with 5 races who wants one race being vastly predominant?

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

na i would switch my Human Warrior to norn warrion . Alot of people dont like being
human because its too simplistic. The reason i choosed human its because i tought the animation on norn are much more slower but its false , its the same thing.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Dagnarok.4829


The fact that they say no won’t stop this feature from being a popular one. I am in the same boat as many here. I have put a lot of money/gems into some characters and there is no way I will delete them to remake them, but at the same time I would love to have a different race for several of my classes. Even at $20 a pop I would probably change over 2-3 characters easily. I have the story mission done but would happily restart them if it meant changing race.

The more we bring it up the more likely they will add it in. It happens in ALL games with ALL companies – a popular enough feature will get added.

Just here to show my support.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

yea it could because the answer ‘no’ from arenanet was several months ago back in
2012 so….

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vincent.7640


yea it could because the answer ‘no’ from arenanet was several months ago back in
2012 so….

Opinions can change, especially year old ones.
This thread hasn’t had a “NO” from a mod, possibly showing that with more threads such as this with ideas and positive input on how this feature should be implemented, the closer we are to having it. People who come in providing the same old “they can’t/won’t” responses without providing a possible solution aren’t helping.

A counter argument to “they don’t want more people to play human, and less of the other races” would be that, the currently playing population is mostly human, more people who would buy a race change may change from human, rather than the minority of people playing other races who could change into human. Just a theory, of course.

(edited by Vincent.7640)

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: JemL.3501


i want a class changer

I took an arrow to the knee

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Well i think you are wrong about it i know tons of buds that want to switch their human warr to a bigger race and i have buds that want to be asurans because they have the colest animations. As the other person said we are playing a fantasy game humans are kinda meh.. i see humans everyday id rather be something else in a video game.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: AJaZe.2943


I feel Arena Net could do this fairly simply, they got kits to change the styles so why not Race.

-Personal Story could be re-set back to the first quest, have no rewards as a result.

-Previous cultural armor worth re-funded or changed to the race becoming.

Even if this cost 1600 Gems, I would do it.

Anet pls?

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stypsy.2578


I would love to have the option of changing races.
I’ll buy gems for that!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liege Tai.8249

Liege Tai.8249

I would also like a race change option. +1 to this.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

They wont add it , just delete.your main and restart everything again
Thats what i did …

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


They wont add it , just delete.your main and restart everything again
Thats what i did …

Sad! !

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Artiyum.7062


If i was to buy anything from the gem store it would be a race change. Just being able to change my horrible charr to a norn would make the game fun again. As a charr i feel as if there is no point playing since all armours are just stretched and lool horrible. As a result i am leveling a new alt gaurdian to 80 and making her my main..

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gieniusz Krab.8259

Gieniusz Krab.8259

Race change its VERY bad idea, because if it will be possible, GW2 will not make sense.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


I don’t think a race change will ever happen. They would make more money by players buying a character slot than buying a race change item. As for the Orders I could see them letting u be a part of all of them once your storyline is finished or at the part where u can use all 3 asura gates in fort trinity.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I used to be against race change. Barring any technical difficulties like the personal story, which have suggestions to be worked around, it really doesn’t make sense not to.

The gender change has no lore explanation. The makeover kit has no lore explanation. So, there is no lore or RP reason not have an OOC race change mechanic.

Also, to clarify. A-net never said they won’t create the option or that they are against it. What they said was “We have no plans for it at this time”. So that could mean that they didn’t have anything against the idea. But it just wasn’t very high on their priority list.

That said, they probably do make money on the extra items that players buy for their alts. So we probably won’t see anything like this until they need a new way to generate money.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


I don’t think a race change will ever happen. They would make more money by players buying a character slot than buying a race change item.

And lose many players…

And noooo!

Money race change > money slot.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: joffmonk.1285


i would definitely pay for a race change, i play char female engy and the hobo packs are even more hideous on them than they are all the other races, not only do they float (elixir gun)above the character but because of the char slouch the pack is sitting on the back of her head!
either fix the kitten packs or give us something, anything to change our race, jeebus i would buy potions to not look at my headpack anymore.
And no, ghost tonics don’t cut it because i cant use siege with those on.

why lore has anything to do with it is beyond me, why would anyone who cares about lore even notice? are you that much into your roleplaying you cant turn a blind eye to this? what about all the gender hopping? apparently swapping bewbs for balls and vice versa is well within explainable lore…

Bettsy Boomstick -80 engy ! Helliz Arka -80 ranger
Keshana Devone -80 warrior ! Cherry Doomblossum -80 ele !
Titanica Teenytank -80 guardian

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: iFocus.3781


I’m a no for race change. That’s just too unrealistic for me. Prefer an elite on another race? Make a character with the race that has that elite!

So remodeling your face and gender makes perfect sense for you? LOL.

I love endgame way too much to level up an alt character. There is absolutely nothing fun about it. Armors prior to level 80 look so bad it’s ridiculous.

HOW ABOUT you get the option to change race at level 80, but you have to replay the entire living story without rewards? I would pay that prize, easily.

My main is a male guardian (VIGIL), when I got to about level 60 I noticed some female whisperer warrior npcs and I fell inlove with them. If they would allow us to change I would go for Whisperer, and make a sex change. C’mon Anet, I will throw hundreds of bucks at you if you make order changes possible!!! Also, I think a lot of human players would change FROM human rather than people changing TO human.

(edited by iFocus.3781)

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Lol i like the hilarious threads about charr players being unhappy they
Might.add a race change just for the people that choseed charr
To be for once fair with them lmao . But for the most part its
True a charr is not intimitading its hilarious!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malikor.3210


+9000 for CHANGE!!!!!!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: joffmonk.1285


Lol i like the hilarious threads about charr players being unhappy they
Might.add a race change just for the people that choseed charr
To be for once fair with them lmao . But for the most part its
True a charr is not intimitading its hilarious!

i like the char character generally, decent combat/idle anims, nice voice acting etc but some things nip my head:
the hoverhead-hobo-packs and the running on all fours all look stupid to me.
I figured if i stayed in kits it wouldn’t bother me but when the kit sits so high on her back it looks kittened.

Bettsy Boomstick -80 engy ! Helliz Arka -80 ranger
Keshana Devone -80 warrior ! Cherry Doomblossum -80 ele !
Titanica Teenytank -80 guardian

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: veasna.3675


Just give us combat tonics! no need for permanent change. No worry about personal story. Combat tonics like the watchknight will be quite nice!

Imagine fighting as a fire elemental!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Happyfool.8951


You dont need any lore for this . There is no lore for sex change or apprence chance..
They can implement it pretty easely i just dont know wheres the problem maybe its not a priority

To be honest it is not about the lore, it’s about the coding.
Sex change is mostly aesthetics, so it’s a lot easier to do. A race change, involves a lot more things like racials skills, cultural armors, and personal story, which coding wise, probably create more problems.

We all do as we must to make our way in this world and unfortunately,
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group

(edited by Happyfool.8951)

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Martin.6381


Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: cher.8693


yeah they should release one! it sucks for the people like me that farmed up fractal levels,skins,wvw… and many more things…. i dont want to level up another guy and do the same thing it will probably make me want to quit the game. im pretty sure most people would quit to if they just had to keep on leveling the race that they want and spend many more months to farm there statuses…. i think arenanet should release it and just reset the persons story…… like it just sucks LOL… im a sylvari and i hate the way my face looks ive spent lots of money and doing resets…. and my guy still looks like crap >.> SO PLEASE BRING SOME TYPE OF RACE CHANGE!!!!!!!! PLEASE <3 make it like 5k gems WHATEVER ILL STILL BUY IT….. LOVE YOU!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sedoks.3576


Race change – changes your race, changes your cultural armor to your new race (if you have the armor ofc..) , resets your personal story and lets you pick the special questions again! + ArenaNet wins alot of money and makes tons of players happy
Lets force them to finally do it !

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argamir.3651


I would love to see a race changer i would pay ANYTHING for it… i finally want to turn my mesmer into a sylvari T_T Anet plz..

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeon.1674


What I want is account-wide dyes…. Off-topic guy

No seriously…. It takes approximatley 2 weeks of casual gameplay to throw a character from 1 to 80. It shouldn’t be a problem to just make a new character.
- I must say I wish equipment was accountbound and not soulbound though.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dezaq.1203


+ 1
Would love to change my Sylvari warrior into a Norn.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bey.4798


+ 1

i think many ppl would invest money to buy gems if race change was available, including myself

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Davroar.8671



Totall make-over kit is cool, but it isn’t totall because race change isnt possible! I understand Class change isnt possible, and it isnt needed. Because change class gives too many skill changes etc. But Race change would be cool, just those racial skills that will change and the racial armors.. I think, if they will create something like Race+Sex change kit, and sell it via gems store, for let’s say, 800 gems. It will be a big success. I’m sure!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: nikko.7186


please make race change( wanted to change my human war to norn

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverbleed.3169


I understand the issues with things like the personal story of the race. But that could be solved with a trade.

I basically have my ele and mesmer mixed up. If I could trade them, it would be perfect. I think an asura would fit on my ele perfectly.
The whole reason I don’t like leveling a whole new character is because of all the soulbound crap… especially ascended things.

If race change is never going to happen, at least offer us a tool to undo soulbound items to put them on a different character. I’m sure people would love that.
That would also make the choice of leveling a new character worth it instead of starting all over.

(edited by Silverbleed.3169)

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BOSSMAN.2647


I will support this too.

I don’t mind paying 800-1200 gems.

I want to change my warrior to norn female as I love the T3 heavy armour.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carlin Sanders.3587

Carlin Sanders.3587

Personally i just see this whole talk of ‘race change’ as being way too big a headache for coding. your personal storyline for one is explicitly tied to what race you are as well as your home instance, npc interactions, armor you have currently, etc.

basically you’d need to rewrite the game to achieve this. so no.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tazmo.2374



or just make it so i can send all my gear to a new toon.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: rommel.3061


+1 yes for change race.

btw any update?

Change race/order facility [merged]

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Posted by: KRUSSIDULL.6845


+1 No doubt it’s coming, its to much money to pass up, and not to mention the satisfaction it would generate.

I have 2 character ready for change, I havent played on them for months!

Brute Swiftclaw | Far Shiverpeaks | Mistforged Heroes:

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulseek.1637


+1 race change!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eodwen.2613


They could just make something like reincarnation and make you play personal story all over again. Still beats having to create a char do personal story unlock map and reaquire everything all over again.

+1 for race change!