"Changing ports" option.

"Changing ports" option.

in Suggestions

Posted by: HakkaiRequiem.5130


This is a sort of “technical” suggestion.
There are many people who would like to play from their campus or from other places where some internet ports are not available (for example, my residance doesn’t allow to use Torrents at certain times of the day by closing some ports. Ports GW2 uses are included.).
I know the most obvious reply to this kind of post is “If your residence closes these ports, there is a reason for it”, but – as you can see- the reason is not always to forbid people to play.

I read through the internet many topics like this, noticing I’m far from being the only one affected by this kind of issue.
Then I would be glad if ANet will add some “advanced settings” in wich we can chose the internet ports the game is using, so we can avoid unconfortable blocks.

(edited by HakkaiRequiem.5130)