Character Culling and AoE circle targeting

Character Culling and AoE circle targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Suggestion 1: In PvE, culling settings should prioritize NPCs over other player characters.

Suggestion 2: With lowest settings on Character Model Limit and -quality, the low quality stock models could atleast use some of their correct animations, instead of “overhead strike” everything they interact or attack.

Character culling, since it was removed and made into graphics options, I’ve experienced a lot of invisible NPCs.

Although one way to see invisible NPCs would be to put NPC names visible at all times, but the powerful charging skills are also masked due to the NPC model not loaded at all. Another problem with putting the NPC names on is that they cover up player names.

Also the putting character quality settings to lowest results in low quality stock models that could atleast use correct animation, right now the models only use “overhead slash” when interacting or attacking.

This occurs sometimes when few NPCs in screen and no players other than my own character.
It’s more common on group events, tho luckily the Champ/Legendary monster loads, but the lesser NPCs wont load at all.

Suggestion 3: Make the “target info panel” on upper of HUD transparent to AoE targeting circles. Right now if mouse is over it when targeting, the AoE is cast at the player’s feet, opposed the idea that having mouse over “target info panel” should target the target’s feet. If it’s important for self target, then make the “target players position” by having the mouse over the Health orb.

Most annoying thing when trying to use AoE circles, if the camera angle is bad, the AoE cannot be cast at all, unless one turns the camera upwards, but if there’s some object in the way, the angle becomes even more awkward as the camera zooms up…

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

(edited by FrostSpectre.4198)