Character Recustomization

Character Recustomization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blake.3609


I really hope Anet adds like a npc you can go to and maybe pay like 1g to change your characters hair, skin color ext. or i would even be willing to spend Gems on it. Im saying this because like many other people i made my character the first day gw2 came out and shes ugly. i really want to change her hair style n color n make her skin not …blue…

Character Recustomization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crunch Bars.4309

Crunch Bars.4309

Totally agree with this. Perhaps a free-service NPC to change this. Perhaps a barber in each city and more specifically a tatoo parlor in Hoelbrak (silly, but maybe).

Character Recustomization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

I like the idea. This made EQ2 a little more enjoyable in some ways.

I could make a young looking character, then change his appearance as i leveled to make him look more aged. Then make him young again if i felt like it.

In GW2 i made a really skinny Warrior, ankittenep wishing i could beef him up a bit.