Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


I just want to propose the idea of Charges instead of Chance on crit/hitting/getting hit Runes, Sigils, and Traits.

What I mean by this is instead of having something just be a chance, have it build charges. For instance, say you have something like Sigil of Blood – 30% Chance on Critical: Steal Health (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 2 seconds) and instead make it Sigil of Blood – Gain a charge when you Critical, at 2 charges, your next attacks Steals Health (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 2 seconds). This charge would be visible buff on your character unique to the Sigil itself.

For Runes like Superior Rune of the Nightmare – 5% chance to cause Fear when hit. (Cooldown: 90s) it would be Superior Rune of the Nightmare – Gain a charge when hit, at 19 stack the next time you are hit, Fear your attacker. (Cooldown: 90s). The charge would be a visible buff on the character, maybe even only when fully charged, unique to the Rune itself.

This seems like a simple enough premise and would help to eliminate RNG from many situations while also allowing counter play to such Runes/Sigils to be possible. Like dodging the Blood proc or prepping Stability for the fear proc. The consistency of such procs would still be relatively the same but more reliable. The same changes to traits of the same nature would be nice as well. I could imagine having multiple on hit/crit procs ready to go and hitting someone with all at once being awesome and satisfying. The charges should also be expended if an attack that would have hit doesn’t hit because of something like blind, block, invul, etc.

Just a though.

(edited by Arkitech.9158)

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

I love you. Especially your idea, one of those that makes you wonder “why didn’t I though of it earlier?”.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


I love you. Especially your idea, one of those that makes you wonder “why didn’t I though of it earlier?”.

Aw, thanks. =D
Actually had this in my head for a while just figured I should post it somewhere so other people can express their opinion.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


The idea is quite good; never thought of this myself.
But it’s hard to combine with the cooldown. My mesmers GS causes three autoattacks (hits) per second. Ignoring, that I can still do damage by other means, with a high critchance (>66%), it means 2 critical hits per second.
And I somewhat think that the current system doesn’t allow cooldowns before counters.

But I also think that it’s possible to implement (with a bit effort), like “cannot gain any counters for 2s after it triggered”.
So, +1 from me, less rng.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: aliksyian.7642


I’m generally in favor of removing the random factor from combat, so I’m interested.

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Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex.9567


in favour, however its not new, there all ready is a superior sigil of sanctuary that works off charges.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


it’s quite a difference, between "gain a charge when you kill a foe " and "gain a charge when you crit ". The first one is naturally time limited, the later one not.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


The idea is quite good; never thought of this myself.
But it’s hard to combine with the cooldown. My mesmers GS causes three autoattacks (hits) per second. Ignoring, that I can still do damage by other means, with a high critchance (>66%), it means 2 critical hits per second.
And I somewhat think that the current system doesn’t allow cooldowns before counters.

But I also think that it’s possible to implement (with a bit effort), like “cannot gain any counters for 2s after it triggered”.
So, +1 from me, less rng.

An easy way to make the cooldown visible is make it so you can get charges while it’s on cooldown and the charge itself will have a cooldown timer on it. Sort of like how your abilities grey out when on cd and the timer goes around to make it visible again. Maybe even like the current Boon timers, with the white outline that goes around, when the outline is gone it’s ready to go. Alternatively it could be as you said and you wouldn’t be able to get charges for several seconds after expending a proc.

in favour, however its not new, there all ready is a superior sigil of sanctuary that works off charges.

As was said, this is not relevant in any way. As you can see the thread is in the case of on crit/hitting/getting hit and not on kill.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oniyui.8279


I think it would be too easy to exploit by lining it up to intentionally burst. The game’s bursty enough as it is.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


bumping your own thread is against the ToS

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


I think it would be too easy to exploit by lining it up to intentionally burst. The game’s bursty enough as it is.

That would be a good thing though, and it would still be hard to do, and would be counterable. If you ever played LoL Master Yi has something like this called Double Strike, Annie has something like it also which stuns. Regardless of how it might be abused I haven’t seen anyone who would prefer RNG to this system. It would be a reliable game mechanic that would actually take skill to use properly, not luck.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


bumping your own thread is against the ToS

thanks for the heads up.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: spoj.9672


Most of the sigils currently involve crit procs. If I were to implement a charge type sigil I would do it so it gave options to low crit chance builds. There arent enough sigils for low precision builds imo. Not really an issue in pve seeing as you want dmg which involves crit. But when I was testing out various bunkerish builds in the mists I struggled to find sigils that fit. If I could take a crit chance sigil and have it work without crits I would be happy.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


Most of the sigils currently involve crit procs. If I were to implement a charge type sigil I would do it so it gave options to low crit chance builds. There arent enough sigils for low precision builds imo. Not really an issue in pve seeing as you want dmg which involves crit. But when I was testing out various bunkerish builds in the mists I struggled to find sigils that fit. If I could take a crit chance sigil and have it work without crits I would be happy.

It’s limited that way for a reason. On crit sigil’s are meant to be exclusive to builds with crit chance. It’s a method of separating them for balance reasons I believe.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yes I know that. But there are very few sigils which work with builds with low crit chance. Thats my point. Some charge based sigils which build charges on regular hits would be better imo. Would give non crit builds more viable sigil options.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


Yes I know that. But there are very few sigils which work with builds with low crit chance. Thats my point. Some charge based sigils which build charges on regular hits would be better imo. Would give non crit builds more viable sigil options.

Oh, I see what you mean. Like add a new Sigil type that builds charges on hit as well. Yeah that would be neat I agree.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


No one else feels that less RNG would be good for the game? Perhaps you have a different suggestion that would help eliminate RNG? This was one of the best things I could think up that involves active awareness and includes being subject to counter play. Your suggestions/support would be much appreciated.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkitech.9158


2 months later, still want to hear peoples opinions on this subject (more people). No one seems very apposed to the idea, besides the ability to possibly stack on hit things which probably wouldn’t be an issue, but the lack of responses is a bit upsetting. I feel like a lot of people would like something like this.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


There even dont need to be any cooldown.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The Sigils in general need all a massive redesign …

Can’t be, that same liek Runes, 90% of all the sigils/runes in the game are useless JUNK, while only the last 10% of them are at any way worthful and useful.

The game has tons of superior sigils and runes, that are less worth, than silyl toilet paper…
ANet absolutely has to completely redesign those upgrades and imo completely remove the system, that those upgrades are tied together with any kind of tiers, because this brings automaticalyl the problem up of vertical progression in this game, that currently ascendend and legendary runes/sigils are missing in this game, to make the vertical progression in this game perfect and not look like some kind of very bad thought out gameplay concept, that plays in the game like some switzer cheese thats full of bad game design holes.

it owuld be much easier, if Anet removes those upgrade tiers and just changes Sigils, Runes, Gemstones into accountbound unlockable upgrades, that work more like tools that can be permanently used and not like consumeables.
They would be just basically “one time consumeables”, that each player has to consume only just one for their account.

That would also increase the value of all those upgrades Or if it should be even more valuable, then not accountbound, but characterbound instead, this would make them then even more valueable, if upgrades would be characterbound permanent tools for character customizsation/vertical progression.

Really, who buys in this game minor sigils, if you could instantly buy a superior sigil with the same effect just for a lousy few silver more from the TP??
Upgrades need to be removed from the TP, they should be something, that the player has to EARN and something, tjhat the player can just directly buy.

PvP shows perfectly well, how the gameplay could work, with just sigils and runes, that functionize more like permanent tools. What works there, should work also perfectly well too for PvE, just slightly different in regard of accquiring the sigils and runes

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


This sounds good.

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tman.6349


what about the ‘when you’re hit runes"? i much prefer the 5% chance to proc a fear or a Rock Dog at the beginning of a fight (rng aside) a squishy build is most likely not going to stand up to taking a full 20 hits in order to proc such effects and the rng is actually very much to your benefit in this manner considering the duration of most fights is 30-60secs and these effects have a 90 second icd giving you just enough time to hopefull get a proc in your next fight. by the time an enemy has landed 20 hits on me, i’m hoping either my rune has procced or that i am in the process of stopping them already. i dont like this idea and you take for granted how much the rng has a chance to save your booty. this is an r40s opinion though and nothing else

Charges instead of Chance on Crit/Hit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tman.6349


also low precision builds to have the benefit (for most cases) to access fury which will proc most of these sigils/runes on cd with just the base 24% crit chance you get with fury and base precision. also most high crit builds have are lacking in other stats that make the taking of the sigils valuable in the first place, unless your running a rabid or similar build which is where these sigils sign at a HUGE loss in power so it is well balanced as is. rampager builds are glass condition builds which are meh unless running a hybrid style build where you either lose durability or dont get the maximum effect of each of your primary stats. no build is gonna be perfect for everything and such is a balanced game

(edited by Tman.6349)