Class aspects instead of New classes

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



I am roaming forums since beta, for news and infos, suggesting, making feedback and some days ago an idea popped my mind, that could be a big help in design to devs.

There are many problems, and mostly because of the lack of weapons-skills players find themself looking for a class that is not represented.
The real problem is in my opinion, is not the lack of classes, but the lack of the current ones costumization.
There are many players, who only would like to play thief like assasin, whitch would only need slight modifications, and only a few new things or animations.
And would save the work of a brand new class implementation, and still would make all players happy.

I am totally unsure in the implementation yet. Maybe i should not even bother with it, the devs know the best how they can implement it the best.
Maybe a Bit harder side personal story quest could unlock it.
With 3-4 dungeon runs, and a few story parts that explain the background why the character is able to do the “specialized” things in that profession. (joins the royal bard guild)

But let me make exaples.
Thief – Could take up Assasin, or Rogue roles for example.
There are many who would love to see Thief with a full setup to assasin.
Would use rifle instead of pistol, and longbow instead of shortbow. would also get a less tricster skill theme.
And Rogue would get a more gadgets maybe. Or able to use maces.

Aspect of the Spider
, with lots of life steal and mobility, snares and cc.
and a Spider-mage hibrid form instead of Death shroud.
A bone aspect, for more direct damage setup and theme. With classical skeletons and zombies instead of current minions.

With a bard like aspect,
that would grant him more opportunity to heal and buff in close range. Would also get a harp and a flute as “kit”. Or that kit would grant him the “healer” skills (like guardians tome)
Duelist aspect would grant the mesmer more thief like skills, and let him wield medium armor…might be hard to design decently, this could still be Thief aspect trough.

and so on.
As you see there are many aspects of the current classes that are not detailed. They are not a stand alone class, but also not just a part of the original character, but an expansion and specialization of it.
This could amazingly boost the curent classes to insane costumization without giving them weapons, and designing full stand alone classes.
(trough i still want to see MANY more weapons…i keep seeing pictures that have warriors with spears on them -_- )


Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreviore.1075


I’m with ya. Currently there is a huge lack of specialization/arche-types as GW2 aims for a more jack-of-all-trades on every single class. This makes for a complete lack of structure in PvP and dungeons as it’s basically a mess where everyone goes zerging. It would be nice if we were allowed to specialize into things like healing and tanking to a degree where it would be useful.

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Late For Tea.1846

Late For Tea.1846

Love the random Fiora pic in there. Makes me feel meh there’s no “duelist” class in GW2. Blade Waltz through a zerg of players \o/

And I agree with you, I loved spending hours working on a build in GW1, knowing a large portion of the 1.7k available skills. Being restricting to a few skill sets of 5 skills each plus some utility skills feels too restricted. We could really do with some additional weapons and maybe a broader take on all the classes.

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcusdeblack.2307


Where did I saw that?
Ah, everywhere. TOR nad other blabbers.

No. Please no.

And let’s be honest, GW2 Thiefs ARE Assasins. It’s just not so goody name for a hero. We’re heroes. Yep. Hero Assasin? Nope. Hero Thief? Yep.
Thief IS Assasin.

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Late For Tea.1846

Late For Tea.1846

Thief IS Assasin.

Since when? A thief is after someone’s property, most of the time money or gold. An assassin is after someone’s life. There’s a huge difference between the two. As you said, the Thief profession is more of an assassin. In fact, the Thief doesn’t play like a thief at all. The only sign of it being a thief is their unique ability, but that’s where it ends.

I honestly wonder why they named it Thief in the first place, and not just sticked with assassin? They thought by pasting a different name on a concept they create a different class?

If Thieves get abilities that let them steal money from mobs, or receive better loot, then we’re talking about a Thief class. But last I looked, there’s no such thing as a pickpocket skill.

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Cutting the topic of Thief is Assasin or not….
There are many who say Thief is an class that was made to fuse Rogue and Assasin, so they dont have to make 2 separate classes.
And ther are many who say they are not fused, they are just alike, because Thief is not purely an Assasin.
Whitch is true. In fantasy games Assasins should be and are a part of Secret organizations. Not some…hey i can do trick shot….the thief has way to many “parts” that are way to goofy for an class you can call assasin.

So basically Thief is an assasin, because it can look like one, and there is no other option. -_- And it is not an Assasin, because it is not fully like one.
Ppl have to understand it, it has to be like an assasinto conpensate for the lack of the class, but that wont make it an Assasin.

So both sides are right, but i still think this is also an problem that comes from merging classes. … whitch is notbad, but players need to be able to pick what part of the class they want to play atleast, if you fuse so many -_-

But cutting back to the main topic, Yes 3 of my friends joined recently and we do complain a LOT and i keep hearing ppl in my guild on Ts to complain on the lack of combat Roles.
Ppl are just dooing stuff, not specific stuff. It is insanely rare that players tend to try to take up roles in dungeons, like support. (whitch needs actually a full set build and there is only 1 of it….point of builds?)

Point of Traitbuilds? If there is only 1 way to pick up a role anyway? You need a specific traitbuild to be able to do something that is atleast slightly usefull?
And even if you totally fuse yourself to 1 role….you can not do it 100% because of lack of skills.
Most of the combats are eather…..dont get hurt at all, or get insta killed by something.
And not even the most extremely experianced fractal runners can explain this to me, or understand why or how this works……
Besides the fact mobs are insanely tough but insta gib you? If combat wants to be a bit realistic with this dodge, and insta kill…it should work backwards to -_-

Anyway sorry for a bit of oftopic. But this would really get fixed by combat roles, whitch would be fixed with more aspects of each class.

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Thief IS Assasin.

Since when?

Dude, do you even play a Thief?
There are at least 3 different traits with the word “Assassin” on it AND an Assassin’s Signet.

The Thief is ANet’s interpretation of the Bandit, Assassin, Ninja, and Rogue all in one.
You mix and match your traits to become closer to the one you prefer.

Each profession encompasses other archetypes even if you don’t want them to.
For example: The Guardian is the new Monk – Yes, horrible, I know, but it’s the truth!

LOL. Black and White much below?
You only need to fit the publicly-recognized definition to be considered one, even if no one will admit it.
*An assassin is merely someone who kills people quickly and (usually) without being caught for money or personal reasons. Thief FITS that description because thieves can be specialized into killing.

People can take on many roles. Just because it’s publicly recognized as a thief doesn’t mean they aren’t also assassins, rogues, etc..

Having a broadsword on your wall doesn’t make you a knight. But it DOES make you a sword-collector or weaponry collector. Whatever fits, applies, you don’t get to decide what counts.

Lastly – Who says thieves can’t dabble in a little magic? Or warriors? That’s why signets are in each profession. Magic is a seriously common thing in GW2.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Class aspects instead of New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Back to topic pls.
As long as someone is not Called Assasin it is not !
Only becaouse you have an signet you wont be assasin…..
If you actually read the lore, signet means, the gonds limited magic to 1 school per person, and many (like in orr) used signets to acces magic from other schools.

For example i might have a broadsword on my wall, wont make me a knight -_-

(edited by Nekroseth.5186)