I am roaming forums since beta, for news and infos, suggesting, making feedback and some days ago an idea popped my mind, that could be a big help in design to devs.
There are many problems, and mostly because of the lack of weapons-skills players find themself looking for a class that is not represented.
The real problem is in my opinion, is not the lack of classes, but the lack of the current ones costumization.
There are many players, who only would like to play thief like assasin, whitch would only need slight modifications, and only a few new things or animations.
And would save the work of a brand new class implementation, and still would make all players happy.
I am totally unsure in the implementation yet. Maybe i should not even bother with it, the devs know the best how they can implement it the best.
Maybe a Bit harder side personal story quest could unlock it.
With 3-4 dungeon runs, and a few story parts that explain the background why the character is able to do the “specialized” things in that profession. (joins the royal bard guild)
But let me make exaples.
Thief – Could take up Assasin, or Rogue roles for example.
There are many who would love to see Thief with a full setup to assasin.
Would use rifle instead of pistol, and longbow instead of shortbow. would also get a less tricster skill theme.
And Rogue would get a more gadgets maybe. Or able to use maces.
Aspect of the Spider, with lots of life steal and mobility, snares and cc.
and a Spider-mage hibrid form instead of Death shroud.
A bone aspect, for more direct damage setup and theme. With classical skeletons and zombies instead of current minions.
With a bard like aspect, that would grant him more opportunity to heal and buff in close range. Would also get a harp and a flute as “kit”. Or that kit would grant him the “healer” skills (like guardians tome)
Duelist aspect would grant the mesmer more thief like skills, and let him wield medium armor…might be hard to design decently, this could still be Thief aspect trough.
and so on.
As you see there are many aspects of the current classes that are not detailed. They are not a stand alone class, but also not just a part of the original character, but an expansion and specialization of it.
This could amazingly boost the curent classes to insane costumization without giving them weapons, and designing full stand alone classes.
(trough i still want to see MANY more weapons…i keep seeing pictures that have warriors with spears on them -_- )