Class suggestion : WindWalker

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Hello to all again! Here i am with another fresh idea, for future class.
Today i had the idea of making a class that fills a gap in the class themes, but is also close to the Lore and current game status.

I am hearing from more and more players : Tengu are going to come soon as possible as next playable race. And thats a quite decent thing. But even if they are not going to be playable, the class is quite fitting for the current class set.

So lets look at the curent things we know abaut tengu : They live in the Dominion of winds. They are based on Japan mythology. And have 4 great house that are named after the 4 winds.

So the base theme is East’ ern mythology and Wind.
Looking at the class list and the feeling that classes give, i missed the : A caster that “cuts” trough the map flinging spells at foes.
From that i themed a caster that focuses on swift offensive spells, and can move araud the map quicly, and react to enemy asap. Or how should i put it? A bit more snappy, and less circumstancial.

The Wind Walker

Why? We alredy have an Elementalist, with Air attunement.
My answer is yes. But it is themed araund 4 elements and is a lot closer to a “ceremonial” and circumstancial Wizard, then a real “battle mate” that roams the battle field. And is also more “blunt” in the tipe of spells he is using (besides like 3 skills).

The Wind walker is a class that represents the mix of a fast phased Thief,Ranger and a Caster. It is mobile and acrobatic, but wields spells instead of weapons (mostly). It can fling out a spell like a Warrior can cut with its sword ( in reaction), instead of casting carefully, (like the elementalist’s fireball feels like)

In other hand, i did try to implement a class that does live up to the cutural aspect of East, and Tengu, and assumed, it could have skills that a warrior would have, mostly. Or more likely a ninja.
Trough it needs carefull design, that it wont feel like a Warrior, or a Thief. It will also need Cloth armors that are slender and tight so they wont bother him in battle.

Ok now some examples for skills.(and remember, like in my other posts, they are a direction, and not a concerete skill list)

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Shuriken toss :
The ww tosses a shuriken and 2 more after that. (deals Dmg)
If the player activates the skill after the first, the shurikens split to many shadow shurikens and apply blead, but less dmg. This replaces the 2 additional shirkens that the ww would toss.

Slicing wind : I could think of a “auto attack” (1) for this skill. The Ww flings a blade of wind at long range that couses bleeding.
At the first cast only 1 blade, at the second the ww will hold 2 blades and throw them at the same time, at the third the ww spins araund and tosses a big one. (could couse bleeding with secind phase)

Touch of Quinglong : A dragon shaped sperpent coils araund the ww, from air, then it rushes the enemy dealing damage in a line and knocking aside foes from that line. If the Skill is on cooldown, the WW can still use the skill for a melee attack that couses weakness for a time.

Whirling death : The WW floats up a bit in air and spins the winds araund him, and throwns in a hanfull feathers (of a cocticate) that are sharp and hard, and cuts foes, cousing bleed.
( this might be a aura also, that would stay on the character for a short time)

Avatar of 4 winds : THe ww surges with power and gains the power of the 4 winds. As long as the skill lasts he converts the 20% of damage to healing(a percent of damage heals him).
Adittionally he gains attack speed and summons 2 daggers that float araund him and cut enemyes. (besides the weapon he is holding)

Chakra weaponry : THe ww imbues his daggers ( dual dagger) with the power of wind, this will grand him increaced range on his melee dagger attack, and improved damage ( flying dagger)

Flying dagger : Another auto attack on “Wielding dual dagger”. THe ww throws the daggers at the enemy in mid-close range and the dagers cut them, and return to the ww, since they are guided by the wind. (like a telekinetic attack)

Water-Air Justsu : Black lightning .
The ww moves the water in the air araund him untill it becomes superstatic and can unleash a black ligtning, for massive damage, after a short channel, that will hurt him to, unless he moves from the spot. ( the spell will leap him back after it finishes by default, unless he gets interupted, he still finishes the spell, but wont leap)

Vacum : The ww moves sideways with a leap aided by the wind, and leaves a spinning orb of air, that explodes (dealing damage knocking foes back, and then pulling them in)

Strangulate : THe ww starts drawing out the oxigen from the air araund the target foe. That wil lleave him weakened, and crippled for a time. Movig araund helps remove the effects faster.
(this could also be a underwater skill, that deowns the foes)

Focused will : After activation the ww gains swiftness and can jump 2 times bigger for a short time. And starts throwing poisoned needles at nearby foes (2-4-6 at a time). ( this replaces his skill 1)

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


That should be enough. I leave the utility for later, but i am sure there are tonns of skills that could help support others, like cool breeze, that helps regain endurance and stuff.

For class mechanic i think the best would be : Stances .

Crane stance for swift and punctal attacks.
Shadow stance, for fast movement skills.
Dragon stance for powerfull but long cooldown skills.

Some skills should have 3 tipes of side effects under there original effect, based on the stance you are currently using.
For example : Touch of quinglogs melee attack gets bleed and cripple to if you are using Crane stance.
But if you are using it in Shadow stance, you leap back after using it.

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


If anyone has additional ideas for the class i gladly put them in. Or constructive feedback is always welcome.

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Don’t you think it’s too soon to be talking about new classes when the bugs aren’t even fixed on the ones that do exist. Also this class seems to fit more to one of the areas that would exist in an expansion.

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Yes it will propably come with expansion. The same way with Tengu race and Dominion of winds.
Its just a suggestion, not an plea to implement it.

On bug topic, it dephends on what your priority is.
Since i hardly find any class fun right now, or fitting to my play style or taste, i hardly care for a bug that hinders me to finish an event.

But besides that you are right, adding a class right now is not an option, and i am not asknig for that, i just wish time make a big list of classes, roles, themes and play syles that can be used in the future.

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mijinion.7168


sounds like a fun class,
did you base it off of WoWs monk? (i never looked)
or is it an original? if so, nice job

im the type thats never quite happy with how games (especially mmos)
implement thier classes

this class idea, imo, has great potential, and could easily become a favorite
if done properly

personally i have trouble laying out class concepts, cause i worry too much
on balance, rather than pure concept
so i tend to use existing game data, and configure a new class from that,

so far ive created pen and paper classes for WoW, diablo, and guildwars 1

the berserker (hero class) WoW (actually submitted, but was trolled to death)

arcane archer/warrior, diablo, a weapon imbuement mage concept where spells are secondary and supportive

and a RP duality concept based on skills from across gw1

i havent given much thought to making some from gw2
perhaps ill look into it more when theres a proper data source,

as it sits now, wiki and codex, are missing vital data for skills and such
and ingame lacks things like viewing chain skills under hero/ weapon skills
and nothing seems to have functional data for traits, only descriptions

i like how bnet did thier guide for diablo,
once i can find data of that quality, ill probably give it a shot

unfortunatly i dont troll the forums alot, so i usualy miss out on
these kinda threads,
i like seeing what others come up with

again, nicely done

ps, i like how proper spacing makes posts, huge

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Diasozo zu Heltzer.8720

Diasozo zu Heltzer.8720

I think that the concept of an elemental caster (even though it’s just wind) is too similar to the elementalist to be implemented sadly.

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mijinion.7168


i think its meant more like an assassin/ninja class
with “wind” based skills as a theme/aesthetic

so closer to the thief class, but themed tward ninja arts

rather than the street/gangland mugger that they turned the thief into