Cloaks, polearms and new armor sets

Cloaks, polearms and new armor sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I’m desperate for some new armor sets; there are just too few! Also, I know that there has been some clipping issues with the cloaks, but fixing it would not only add a brand new look to your character, but would also improve the current cloth on armor sets. For example: the heavy Arah set would look great with some shredded cloth blowing in the wind, or any medium armor with a realistic looking coat. Cloth has a static feeling in my opinion, and fixing it would be such an improvement!

I’m also a huge fan of spears, but unfortunately they are only for aquatic combat. Therefore I’d suggest adding polearms as a brand new weapon type. Maybe adding 1h flails would also look great, or crossbows as a new ranged weapon.

These are just some ideas, but still the most important thing for me is adding more armor sets.

Cloaks, polearms and new armor sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinkos.7328


I am 100% with this, especially the pole arms. When I played Aion for that very short amount of time it was relevant, I loved the pole arms. It has always been my choice of weapon if available in any game, cross bows would be sweet too. I think it would be cool to have one handed crossbows so you could dual wield that might be my Diablo 3 love kicking in though.