Clocktower visibility issue
just ban all Charrs from it and make it a party event.. (5) per room , problem solved
just ban all Charrs from it and make it a party event.. (5) per room , problem solved
Don’t let your bitterness overwhelm your reason.
Highlighting the players achieves nothing, because you can still not see the ground to know, when you should jump.
Make all other players (nearly) invisible, that’s imho the only viable option.
I’m wondering, if the devs have ever played the tower with 5+ Charr/Norn sharing your instance. You can just guess where to go and when to jump. A heavy time-constraint is not a problem, if you can see where to go. But if you add these big characters on top, everything is reduced to guesswork. I just hope, that this will be fixed before the end, so I can try to finish the tower. With this, I won’t try again.
They should transform every1 that eneter the tower with the same tonic, that will take out the complain like “Charr and Norn, block my view, so i can’t see where i jump”, and they should give 1 speed boots skill that could last a few seconds and can only be used 1 time each time u start the puzzle, that could take out the complains about the green fog being too fast for them, of course is up to you to use it when u fell is needed, is not like u need a speed boost to finish it.
Highlighting the players achieves nothing, because you can still not see the ground to know, when you should jump.
Make all other players (nearly) invisible, that’s imho the only viable option.
I’m wondering, if the devs have ever played the tower with 5+ Charr/Norn sharing your instance. You can just guess where to go and when to jump. A heavy time-constraint is not a problem, if you can see where to go. But if you add these big characters on top, everything is reduced to guesswork. I just hope, that this will be fixed before the end, so I can try to finish the tower. With this, I won’t try again.
Actually, highlighting players would help if you cannot actually see your character. When several characters are stacked right on top of each other, it’s difficult to tell where exactly you are standing.
As for the “nearly invisible” thing, you know what translucent means, don’t you?
Nearly invisible a.k.a. translucent was just agreeing with you there.
Highlighting the players achieves nothing, because you can still not see the ground to know, when you should jump.
Make all other players (nearly) invisible, that’s imho the only viable option.
I’m wondering, if the devs have ever played the tower with 5+ Charr/Norn sharing your instance. You can just guess where to go and when to jump. A heavy time-constraint is not a problem, if you can see where to go. But if you add these big characters on top, everything is reduced to guesswork. I just hope, that this will be fixed before the end, so I can try to finish the tower. With this, I won’t try again.
Doesn’t much matter, the people who design this stuff have 5+ years under their belts, plus in depth understanding of how everything works. A great deal of this game is artificially hard, the puzzle, and timing part is very easy, but the jumping with 15-20 other people is what makes it hard. Err well, the camera doesn’t help at all either.
I’ve scaled mountains in vanilla WoW that make this puzzle look like a joke, to take credit on the design is laughable since it’s not the hard part, it’s dealing with people hogging up your screen, or using elites like those stupid kitten trees, and horrible camera design /le sigh.