> (Closed) Improved Combat/Skill system.
I did read about 80%+ of these 3 pages here and I don’t take 4+ hours to argument against a lot of things that I don’t agree with. Yes, there are a few things I would agree and I would like to see as well, like “let us choose from a small pool when we equip a weapon”, but there are a lot of things I disagree like “traits are bringing nothing to the table”, because they are for example a big part when I play my warrior in a supportive role, just alone the major trait “Shouts heal” is effecting how I gonna setup and actually play my build!
And that is another thing, you complain about customization most of the time because you can’t create that much builds like with GW1, not even close.
First, how long did it take until all the players realized what skills can work in what way? Certainly more then a couple of weeks!
Second, what about games like LoL or CS? They don’t give you much customization in the way how you build your character as well, but are they bad and un-fun games because of that? Not in my opinion and obviously not in a lot of other opinions as well! And for me the combat system of GW2 is much more like one of those games than GW1 or one of the MMOs out there… You don’t have to like that, but because you don’t like it, that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad system!
Don’t get me wrong, I think you mean everything for good, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with what you want to achieve here in all the points!
(edited by Replect.3407)
Ah yes, I love how when no one has rebuttal to your disagreement you are called a “troll”.
Well done, you’ve proven your post has no worth.
Some of us do not want Guild Wars 1 again. Build Wars was an exercise in patience, and if you didn’t fit to an exact build copy you were shunned from groups and PvP.
If you really believed the PvP was so amazing, I need only point out the JQ bomber spec, completely invalidating any and all tactics needed for that specific BG. There was a spec like this for every arena, ruining any fun you could actually get out of the PvP end game into something so simple a bot could do it.
Well i posted here once that useing skills don’t bring satisfaction, they add low dmg and sometimes have insane CD. And i fully agree that fighters have it hard…
I did read about 80%+ of these 3 pages here and I don’t take 4+ hours to argument against a lot of things that I don’t agree with.
Don’t get me wrong, I think you mean everything for good, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with what you want to achieve here in all the points!
That’s fine. I have far more to do than read what others posted. Because I have spend my time doing research and posting it. If you are too lazy to read, so be it. I have compiled a lot of the information for people just like you, who cannot bear to skim over a few page. If it takes you 4 hours to skim, you have some serious reading issues that you should probably address.
If you don’t want me to bite back, I’d love to ask of you to, rather than being condescending, to say: “Thank you for organizing the end-portion of the thread the best you can currently. *I realize that you have a life and are in no way getting payed to do this. I appreciate that you are working hard, even if I may disagree with some of the things that you post.” Because I did specifically go through and pull the key points of the thread together for you.*
As for traits, cool. If you feel that it’s not an issue. That is great! That is important to know. But that does not however, make everything inaccurate or false.
“lot of things I disagree” Please elaborate on what other things you disagree with so that I can clear them up on future posts.
“And that is another thing, you complain about customization most of the time because you can’t create that much builds like with GW1, not even close.
First, how long did it take until all the players realized what skills can work in what way? Certainly more then a couple of weeks! "
Read up please. This has already been gone over. In fact, the lasted post specifically goes over the fact that this is not seeking sheer numbers or outrageous amounts of combinations. Honestly, with the few skills out there, you can pretty clearly see what does what in the current state of Guild Wars 2. A sword on a ranger for example, has many conditions. A broad sword has higher damage, and little to no conditions.
“And for me the combat system of GW2 is much more like one of those games than” Yeah, and I’m sorry but this is Guild Wars, not those games. If you have a retort, I suggest you re-read the quotes specifically from Anet in regards to how this game was supposed to be designed.
“Don’t get me wrong, I think you mean everything for good, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with what you want to achieve here in all the points!” Of course! If was here to destroy the game, I would just troll you like Nerva. (; Who, by the way had his entire post ignoreddddd. Not even going to honor him with glancing at it.
I, in no way want you to agree with every post on this thread. That is stupid. What I do want from you to do however, is specifically tell me which part you do agree with and which parts you don’t. If you do that, you allow me to organize information in a way that better represents everyone’s values, including yourself.
If you can please make a specific list an elaborate on what you disagree with and why, and possibly do some research behind it, that would be greatly appreciated. I do highly value your input, as it is with your contributions as well, that will help shape the future of this game!
Premixed, I’d be more than happy if you would sit down with me to to design skills that do not break the mechanics. That is the number 1 thing that I am trying to achieve while making skills. Not breaking the system currently in play. For example, any effects that would be applied would be minor, but helpful. Your utility skills are the main source of support.
For example, although Bonfire does cause projectiles to cause burning, the burning does not stack. These skills are still in development on my end, so give me time before I actually post them, as I want to make sure they do not destroy any builds or cause players to be forced to use specific skills for specific causes.
As for titles, those are rough ideas. I really want to come up with a way for players to gain incentive to play an go after titles without hurting the economy. This is something I have had not had much time to work on, because of my work with skills at the moment. If you have any ideas at all how to make titles more productive, please be sure to post.
As for skills obtained through dungeons/jumping puzzles, do not think about the skills being stronger than anything else. They will provide equal, but different flavored benefits, just as does each Ranger trap. Just like dungeon armors, they will be a way of saying: “Hey! This is what I did!” Without becoming better than anyone else. I am fully confident in making puzzles = utility skills. The same exact system is already in place for armor.
“10 second ring out warning. That way you can actually practice node skirmish.” Great idea.
“Mini pet idea also good. An old collector saying they once had to sell their collection but kept this rare one, but now they have found someone worthy to pass it on to. (Idea is borrowed, but something that adds character) Mini’s are vanity only anyway.” PERFECT!
“DE, and some of the static-ness of the world in general could be better, but I’m not sure on the tech and coding side of things.” Hahaha, was back when I played Starsiege Tribes RPG, and coding pretty much the old-school equivalent of dynamic events. The hardest part, was that I could not isolate my events to 2 overlapping at a time, because of program restrictions. (Everything ran at once and it was like.. efffff) You can do that now. In a separate work space, you can run those functions independently and have the rest of the world turned off.
“PvP formats definitely a good idea. But thats definitely a whole different thread.”
Correct. But since a petition was mentioned, I thought I’d add a few things. As this thread matures, it is turning into more of an over-all improvement than a solid combat improvement. And that is fine with me. I’d rather have everything compact and easy to access. Soon, as I gather the rest of my information, I will indeed be making a new thread with all of these ideas in an easy to read format, covering the above mentioned items.
Possibly a petition, if people tell me what they disagree with and why, rather than crying about points that have already been addressed, complaining “this is a new game”, or sitting on the thread trying to gain attention. -cough-
As for the body of the thread itself, rest assured that I am working hard to abridge all of the contents for you all. So that reading it does not take “4 hours” it will take half. :P
If it was as simple as me posting exactly what to fix, I would have already posted: “This is how you fix this dame-game!” and list exactly what needed to be fixed.
That is however, not the case. So please stop getting frustrated that everything is not as well organized and glossy like the guide for Guild Wars 2. That thing is a college text book. You think people complain that it’s too big? Probably. Why it is big? I dunno, maybe because it covers a lot of information. So please stop whining. If you pay me, maybe I can quit my second job as a personal trainer and come work the thread for you. :P
Oh and: “Why it is big? I dunno, maybe because it covers a lot of information.”
Also, the information is being FORMED her on this thread through conversations with other players. I am not coming here ready to do and asserting pre-conceived ideas. Everything that is not posted, is a conglomeration of other people’s post, and the research that I have personally done regarding each person’s response.
Thank you for your understanding.
My gf read Nerva’s post: “People bot anything. I’d love to see you actually kill someone with a small AoE burst with something so squishy that you can cripple nd wand it to death.” Good point. Cool. Someone made an exploit. They always do. /shrug. Bombers were easy as eff to kill. I could cripple them, and pretty much be on my way. If even two people hit them, they could not destroy a shrine. That or I spend 3 seconds of my time and render them completely useless. You argument is silly just like everything else you posted.
Not gonna read all that. Suggestion: Make a shorter point instead of writing a novel.
Seriously, learn to read. I am already in process of making this thread abridged. Calm your horses.
If you cannot read, do not comment. Directly above what you said is an explanation:
“If it was as simple as me posting exactly what to fix, I would have already posted: “This is how you fix this dame-game!” and list exactly what needed to be fixed.
That is however, not the case. So please stop getting frustrated that everything is not as well organized and glossy like the guide for Guild Wars 2. That thing is a college text book. You think people complain that it’s too big? Probably. Why it is big? I dunno, maybe because it covers a lot of information. So please stop whining. If you pay me, maybe I can quit my second job as a personal trainer and come work the thread for you. :P
Also, the information is being FORMED her on this thread through conversations with other players. I am not coming here ready to do and asserting pre-conceived ideas. Everything that is now posted, is a conglomeration of other people’s post, and the research that I have personally done regarding each person’s response."
Not to mention it isn’t 1 point, it is many points.
To Premixed, I’m sorry to hear that. Personally, if there is anything wrong in my life, I am the one always willing to fix it, and put effort towards even the things that seem impossible. I guess I’m the last of a proud few who jump at every chance they have to improve the world around them. :/
Oh well. Completely honestly, I have no doubt in my ability to push this up to Anet’s noses and get them to take a bite, even if a small one. (Just a note, I will be doing it in a friendly way… Like that lady with those food-samples… xD) Even if many of you are far too lazy to read. I believe that I have obtained enough information to put together the final, abridged version of this thread and submit it to Anet upon skill-completion.
Thanks for your time.
(edited by LanceHavenbay.2067)
That’s fine. I have far more to do than read what others posted.
Because I have spend my time doing research and posting it. If you are too lazy to read, so be it. I have compiled a lot of the information for people just like you, who cannot bear to skim over a few page. If it takes you 4 hours to skim, you have some serious reading issues that you should probably address.
First, english isn’t my native language!
Second, probably my fault, but I didn’t mean that I would need 4 hours to read through all of that, I did mean that I would need 4+ hours to argument against what I’ve read here! And I’m more willing to sacrifice my precious time in things that I agree with/support, then things I disagree with. With work, family and rebuilding the home for our up-coming child, I have to handle my time carefully. But what am I talking, you most likely don’t care, and that is absolutely your right! :-)
Don’t get me wrong, I think you mean everything for good, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with what you want to achieve here in all the points!
Of course! If was here to destroy the game, I would just troll you like Nerva. (; Who, by the way had his entire post ignoreddddd. Not even going to honor him with glancing at it.
You don’t need to be sarcastic, if I say something like that, than probably because written text often looks like something provocative and I just want to make clear that this isn’t the case in advance… If you don’t care about these kind of words, ok! :-)
So, I’m really sorry for bringing nothing new to the table, I just wanted to make clear why I did what I did! Sorry for probably wasting place with this post in here, not my intention at all!
About topic:
If everything you really want is to bring more skills/traits to the game, without throwing the hole combat system out of the window, I’m all for it! But as someone said before, you don’t have to and actually shouldn’t write a novel if you want to bring that message out to the folks! Makes it hard to get your point!
I like the idea to have a little pool of weapon skills I can choose of, and there certainly gonna come more skills on the right side of the health bar and most likely new weapons (with therefor new skills) for every single class!
But I don’t think that damage output and cooldowns are too high in general! With the lack of energy, the cooldown is the only factor that stops you from spamming your skills! And because of the damage output and the cooldowns, you are fine with 2 dodges in 8 seconds, if you don’t waste them on attacks that aren’t one of the big ones! If you dodge a big attack, you know that your next dodge is available if you gonna need it, if not, hopefully you have a usefull defensive skill with you or a friend that is going to take the damage for you…
(edited by Replect.3407)
“First, english isn’t my native language!”
Well, you speak very well for that! So congrats!
“Second, probably my fault, but I didn’t mean that I would need 4 hours to read through all of that, I did mean that I would need 4+ hours to argument against what I’ve read here!”
THAT was important to hear. xD Immediately that separates you from the people who come in here posting non-sense. You should have said that in the first place, lol.
“And I’m more willing to sacrifice my precious time in things that I agree with/support, then things I disagree with. With work, family and rebuilding the home for our up-coming child, I have to handle my time carefully. But what am I talking, you most likely don’t care, and that is absolutely your right! :-)”
Well, first off, I do care. Very much so. If I didn’t care what you though, I would not have taken the time to make a thread and deal with other people’s crap, or trolls. I would have just gone straight to Anet. I do care very much about your views, but it helps to do research for your point, if you are unable, that is unfortunate. I do not have kids, (I can only imagine) but I do work Full time, a second construction job, as well as a job as a personal trainer, mixed in with my coaching and own personal time. I’m not telling you my life, in an attempt to outshine yours, (especially not with a child) I am telling you so that you know that I do understand where you are coming from.
Of course!
That was actually me agreeing with you. :P Not sarcasm.
“About topic:
If everything you really want is to bring more skills/traits to the game, without throwing the hole combat system out of the window, I’m all for it! But as someone said before, you don’t have to and actually shouldn’t write a novel if you want to bring that message out to the folks! Makes it hard to get your point!”
I’ve posted this twice: The ideas that have been come across have been developed during the life of this thread. It wasn’t simply me sitting down and saying, here, this is what needs to be done. Everything has grown, developed, an expanded withing the content of this form. Because of this process, more text is involved that if I was coming here simply to post an idea. Fact is, these ideas are being created through discussion. Discussion however, is not a simple hello, goodbye. Conversations require in depth coverage. Until you have that conversation, however long and detailed it may be, you cannot simply sum it down into a small easy to read format.
That is like you immediately asking me why we exist, and expecting me to immediately sum it down to the words: “Because.” as if that was satisfactory in any way.
It is frustrating having people make, stupid comments about length, when there is no way to do research or debate without taking time or in this case, space/length. I do understand it is long. I am sorry it is long. I am working my tail off trying to make it shorter, so that people can spend their little time being able to read it all. So, seriously, please stop jumping on me about something I have explained countless times. If you still cannot understand this simply fact yet,(to everyone) I am simply going to start ignoring your posts. Because you are all saying the same thing as each other, even after I’ve already told you when, why, how because. It’s like any annoying child saying: “Are we there yet? Can I have it yet? What about not?” Relax. Go play video games. I’m working as hard as I can, in the time I have, to make this shorter and more available to everyone. Stay off my aft. I guess I should not have expected more from the same community that flips out when Anet’s servers goes down for scheduled maintenance… >.>
I’m very glad to hear you disagree, and I’m even happier that you expressed that opinion! And, just to be clear, that is not sarcasm.
These ideas mainly popped from PvP, where there is necessarily a big-attack. This is not a boss fight. It has to do with the overall skill functionality. If you like it how it is, that is great. Be sure to vote on your preferences when I combine the, and make a petition!
Now, if you all can read up and make sure you do not post the same thing that the person before you said, that would be GREAT!
I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as closed until I finish this abridged version, so I don’t have to waste my time responding to people repeating each other on things I already covered.
Thank you all for contributing, and hopefully some time next month I will be able to submit an abridged article and a petition for/against the above mentioned items.
Please skim over the single, last page of this thread before you comment. If you comment on something that was already covered, your comment will be ignored as if you never posted it.
Here is to seeing you all soon!
(I am sleeping now, but don’t delete the thread quite yet because I need to copy the text tomorrow so that I can work on it this week.)
Thread closed——
For when I finish the abridged version, for those of you interested, for OR against, please keep an eye out for “#Abridged Combat Improvement”
Some of you have asked me to keep you up to date and I will.
Just to be clear, there is no set date for my abridged version, but I will do my best to finish it sooner rather than late. I will make a separate threads in dates to come, where I would like players to pool ideas for the above mentioned points.
Hopefully on the new thread, I can present the information in a way that makes it easier for people to provide detailed feedback without being overwhelmed by the sheer content. Please keep in mind that the new thread, like this thread, will grow. And will be contributing towards my final abridgment. But, unlike this thread, we now have a much more stable base, and in turn, that will hopefully lead to a more organized thread.
Please also keep an eye out for Title Ideas and my PvP format posts. I’m thinking about marking them with hastags, # so that you know several threads are related to my abridged. Example: #Abridged Title Ideas, #Abridged PvP Formats, #Abridged Combat Improvement. That was you can easily spot the work I will be doing in each of those fields.
If you have any ideas for skill names, functions, formats, anything! PLEASE MESSAGE ME! I cannot guarantee your idea will remain exactly as is, but I will try my best to retain it in it’s original form the best I can, and still make it functional.
Hopefully, I will see you all soon! Back to the crafting bench!