Collectable Mini Interface

Collectable Mini Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jareth.4813


So, after receiving the Dolyak Mini for WvW Season 1 my first reaction was “oh he looks cute”, then I deposited him in my collectables tab at the bank and looked at the collection I’d managed to accumulate over my time playing.

Most I’d forgotten I even had.

If we had an actual summoning interface, though, like the rangers for their pets. An interface that would allow us to summon any mini from anywhere in the world. I’d likely always have one running around with me.

Even if it was just for PvE, so as to not bog down server load in WvW with an army of plush gryphon’s. Would it not be nice to be able to see your whole collection at the touch of a button and summon which ever little critter you wished to join you?

Till then, if I want one to follow me around, I have to remember to pick it up from a bank, then make sure I don’t accidentally deposit it again when I send off some resources.

I hold no illusions that this is an easy task but hopefully, if the developers have time amongst the seemingly huge list of requests, perhaps such a QoL improvement might be made.

Collectable Mini Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orthas.4937


id love to see this

Newguy – GOM

I play when I can and help who I can