Collectible slot for dungeon tokens
I think it would be a nice idea to just have them added to your currency somewhere and not take up bag space. That way too you can’t accidentally sell or destroy them.
I like the idea, but just like the materials, you have a cap of 250 and just one slot to deposit. You get 60 tokens for each path you do, so you can easily get 250 tokens and have no more collectible slot available
I can agree with this.
Maybe have a currency tab, or a tokens tab, in the bank vault. Essentially a one stop shop to know what you have for the multitude of currencies at a glance.
I can also see having a slightly larger cap for them as well. Maybe 500 instead of 250? But after that, like any other material, you have to store it in a normal vault spot.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
I think it would be a nice idea to just have them added to your currency somewhere and not take up bag space. That way too you can’t accidentally sell or destroy them.
This one.
I think if they don’t add as an unlimited currency, they need to allow something like the baubles from Super Adventure Box. Converting even 100 down to 1 would make it so that people only needed two stacks for each dungeon. WvW Badges of Honor doing this too would be nice. Stacking to just 250 is not enough. One collectibles tab that held that would still overflow into regular bank space quickly.
All suggestions here point out the same thing…. Currency collection tab!!!
would be very valuable. a 250 cap would be very acceptable, as often im on about 5-30 after spending them, and i dont want to destroy to free up a bank space.
We have a bank tab.
We have a collectables tab.
Now we could use a currency tab.
IMHO, having an infinite spot or high cap (9999) for each form of currency would be optimal.
Second to that if you are going to cap it, cap it at the cost of at least a full set of gear + 2 weapons.
Third to that, like someone already said, be able to trade a particular amount for 1 ala bubble baubles.
MMO gamers from what I have seen over the years have been pack rats, me included, so I know I would appreciate this quality of life suggestion. +1.
I think it would be a nice idea to just have them added to your currency somewhere and not take up bag space. That way too you can’t accidentally sell or destroy them.
I like the idea, but just like the materials, you have a cap of 250 and just one slot to deposit. You get 60 tokens for each path you do, so you can easily get 250 tokens and have no more collectible slot available
They just have to make it work like with the PvP salvage kits. Every time you reach a max stack (15) it will be displayed as the number 1. Each time you deposit another stack, it goes up a number. So if you have 15 stacks, you can take the desired number of stacks from your locker by holding your alt key(or just take all your stacks out at the same time)