Collectibles locking

Collectibles locking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hayner Jetik.2186

Hayner Jetik.2186

The deposit all collectibles function currently deposit even the mini pets that I’d like to keep in my bags.

Though this is logically correct (as minis too are collectibles), it’s a quite annoying.

I think this unwanted behavior could be easily fixed introducing an option to “lock” the collectibles that you want to keep on your bags.

Collectibles locking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Plunder.8195


you should be able to buy at the TP or craft with an armour-crafting craft, get an “invisible bag”, which does exactly that.

Some thought provoking quote

Collectibles locking

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Ad if you have HoM miniatures, you can just grab 250 of each, and store them. Any more you get won’t be stored as 250 is the cap, so you can keep them even without invisible bags.

Even better would be to have a pet slot in the equipment panel, that automatically tries to put out the pet while the checkbox for it is marked, so you don’t have to do it manually when zoning.

No exceptions!