Collection stacks

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kojiden.8405


It would be nice if in your collection tab that a stack was higher than 250. I would like it if it was at least 500, but ultimately I would enjoy it if it were at 1,000.

I think what may have happened is that you guys thought 250 was good so that people would sell excess collectables. I can’t really speak for other people, but personally I just put excess collectables in my bank. I don’t really want to get rid of them because I think that I may need them someday. I’m a horder like that. Anyways, at least raise it to 500 please.

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


I think there needs to be a limit… Convert your excess into refined materials (planks for wood, bars for metals), and that will give you more space. Once you have 250 woods, and 250 planks… Well, I do not think you’ll really need more than that and selling would be a good option. Or make an alt with 20 slot bags, and fill him up.

Anyway, I think the limit is fine, and needed. We really should not have to carry so much stuff :S

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I think there needs to be a limit… Convert your excess into refined materials (planks for wood, bars for metals), and that will give you more space. Once you have 250 woods, and 250 planks… Well, I do not think you’ll really need more than that and selling would be a good option. Or make an alt with 20 slot bags, and fill him up.

Anyway, I think the limit is fine, and needed. We really should not have to carry so much stuff :S

But the bank is shared for your alts, friend. What if I’m farming and saving materials for multiple alts? Sure, 250 would be more than enough mats for ONE alt, but what if I’m saving for 4 that use the same mats for their crafting discipline? The limit does need to be raised to 500 AT LEAST.

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Salt.4621


I agree, I think 500 would be a fair stack size number.

“Your face is funny. All squished and weird.”

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adelas.6598


I think it makes sense, too. Although I understand they may want you to use the materials to actually CRAFT stuff, when the mats are shared between all your alts (and I have additional character slots, so…)… it gets crowded.

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grimnomore.3219


I’d love to see an increase. I have 3 characters I play and while they all have different crafting disciplines, gathered resources are the same and take up more than 250 p/stack that I’m forced to use a bank slot for lack of room in the collections tab.

Collection stacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: LucidCrux.5389


I would like to see bigger collection stacks as well, but I think part of it may be a technical thing. 250 can be stored in a small variable (up to 255 actually), the next step up is 65000.