

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Was wondering if we could insert another option in PvP. I call it Colliseum, where we can pit against other people 1v1 BUT many players can go to the seating areas and watch the fights giving it a more lively atmosphere. Maybe use black citadel and allow us to fight against people form our current warring servers?

Edit: maybe not even 1v1, any spectating event where we can watch ppl compete live (not in camera mode) but as a real audience.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division


in Suggestions

Posted by: Rin.1046


I’d like to see a gladiatorial style arena, with a live audience. You could have 4 fights going on at once, each fight being separate (with restricted targeting so you can only fight your enemy) but all the combatants in the same arena. Then throw in traps and monsters to add to the challenge, and maybe even have an audience voting system, where by the player audience can chose the next challenge. It could even have a leaderboard system, whereby the winners go on to the next round until 1 winner is victorious. Then a new gladiator match begins.

Here are some example matches (that could be voted for by the audience):
2 weak vs 1 strong – 2 players with reduced stats or limited abilities are paired off against one player with either full or boosted stats.
Straight 1v1 fight – Speaks for itself, a 1v1 fight with no boosts or penalties.
1v1 with hazards – Similar to a straight 1v1 fight, but traps and/or dangerous monsters to avoid/fight. The win could be based on points, with extra points awarded for knocking enemies into traps or defeating the monsters that spawn.
Feed the lions – This is a kind of copperative afair, but the winner is the one with the most points/kills. This can be for 2 or more players and they are all allied. Waves of monsters spawn and attack the players. The player with the higest score after a set time, or the last player standing, wins the match.

The arena could be separated up into four sections, with each section having its own audience (but the entire arena would be visible to all). Each audience votes for their match and once all matches have finished a new vote starts. Once it is down to 4 players, 2 sections on each side are added together so that there are 2 separate voting audiences. Then once it is down to the final 2 players the entire audience votes.

Could create some seriously fun PvP entertainment.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

(edited by Rin.1046)


in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I like your ideas! Seriously, they should have something like this; it would make PvP more fun imo and sociable.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division


in Suggestions

Posted by: lerak.5286


Well, in lore there is the Lion’s Arch Arena, where Magnus the Bloody Handed hosts “PvP” and “PvE” combats.

Gabriel Angelheart – Far Shiverpeaks


in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


This would be great. I could see each of the racial capitals having a different kind of P(vP)(vE) tournaments hosted in their cities, with Lion’s Arch hosting champions from each area. You’d have to reach a certain ranking in one of the racial competitions to participate at Lion’s Arch.

Another event type: Townclothes match. No weapon skills, no armor bonuses, only abilities 6-10 and various objects scattered around the arena.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Rin.1046


I like that idea, Tarvok. It would add a level of progression that would not effect your abilities or any other aspects of the game. +1

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimby.5970


Nice idea! What about 2 vs 2 or 5 vs 5?

Ruins of Surmia
Godless Crimbz, level 80, Charr, Warrior
God Crimbz, level 80, Sylvari, Mesmer


in Suggestions

Posted by: Rin.1046


Yeah, there could be many options. My idea was that you have a lot of people apply to the games, and depending on which games are chosen (2v2, 5v5, 2v1, 5vMobs, etc) players from that pool will be chosen for the games. Then, if there are any players left, they would be chosen for a different arena. There would be many arena running at the same time, much like sPvP servers. Then, as the player count is reduced, so to would the options. So if you only had 4 players left, you would not have the option to select 5v5.

Edit – Sorry ArcTheFallen, this was your initial idea (for which I gave you a +1), so I hope you don’t mind me expanding on it. I had this idea myself a while back, but never posted it, so your post has inspired me to add my own idea into the mix.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.