Color Schemes for undyeable items

Color Schemes for undyeable items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


So everything I have seen, read and heard about how the dye system works suggests that adding “dyes” to weapons, back pieces and other similar items may not be possible or easy… So instead, why not have a series of color schemes available to make it easier to personalize your look.
Example, Mists weapons: All of these currently have that pinkish color and particle effects around them, which isn’t bad, but why not also some kind of red, blue or even black/white variants?
Ex. 2: Verdant weapons: All these currently have that really bright green mixed with blue blades, but maybe an amber colored blade? or darker/brown colors for the handles, etc..
Ex 3: Asura T3 culture weapons: similar to the mists weapons, allow more options with the color of the auras and minor bits of the weapons themselves.
I’ve heard of but can’t find to quote where a dev supposedly said that coloring weapons would require a load of brand new models to be added for each dye…and this might be a somewhat more eloquent way of skirting that issue by cutting back on the number of new models needing to be added/processed, I’m assuming that it shouldn’t be hard to alter the colors on existing models, and even though a small color pallet would leave a lot for many to desire, it would also be a way to preserve particle effects and uniqueness on various items that are already the same, but for coloring (dark asuran/glyphic, mystic/CoE, FdS/Jormag’s Breath) because things like the red auras of the dungeon sets above, or the flames on the dragon swords could remain their current colors, and other items like legendaries and some others could remain untouched (a purple, blue or green volcanus would be epic, but beyond the scope of the “volcanic” part)

Color Schemes for undyeable items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Feel the need to note that this could extend far beyond the weapons listed, and even push into things like slightly different textures overall… maybe a trashed glyphic weapon, or some funny skins for those “half-eaten” low level items, and by no means are these the limits… just examples that are easier to point to without writing a dissertation :P

And it could be implemented without having to add new interface to the hero pannel by making it something that could be done via the mystic forge, or some npc selling the skin kits separate (but hopefully not too crazy cheap or requiring 250 t6 weapon parts/ecto, dyes… etc >< ) tbh the forge might not be a good idea unless it’s to craft a separate kit to “upgrade” the weapon with because the forge has a nasty habit of removing/replacing potentially expensive aftermarket mods like sigils and infusions

Color Schemes for undyeable items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


I think I’m responsible for more than half the views on this post… Finicky armor/color/weapon combining players must be a rare breed on these forums :P

how about at least a thumbs up for green/blue volcanus? there are already enough pink and purple fluffy death rays xD

Color Schemes for undyeable items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Right click window over a weapon:
- sell at the trading post
- deposit collectable
- destroy
- choose a color scheme