(edited by Moderator)
Colorblind Mode
Being color blind puts me at sever disadvantage to other players, is there any chance you could apply color blind more?
I’m not color blind but I know how much of a huge issue this is. +1 for colorblind mode. This is pretty standard in modern video games. Even lower budget free to play games like world of tanks have it.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Sure, I’d appreciate this, but it’s alot of work to implement it later on.
But, what exactly is the problem ?
for what i know, orange and red is practically the same, the attack circles are also unclear because red and white can be the same for some.
it’s just that light colors are just that, something light, same thing with dark colors.
color blind mode makes some things darker and some lighter to identify it clearly for color blind ppl.
I’m for anything that might make things a bit better for us color blind players. However I’m not sure how they could implement it as I think it would be a bit complex. I have a more severe form of color blindness where I not only struggle with red-green (the most common type of color blindness) but I also have a difficult time distinguishing green from brown, distinguishing certain shades of grey green brown and a few others. When I take the The Ishihara Color Test I think I get about 3 of them right, haha
Trying to see plant and tree resource nodes on the mini map is almost impossible for me. If you want a good laugh watch me try to dye my armor. In my case there is probably not much that could help. The only way I can see doing this to help others would be to let players select the colors they want for certain things like AOE circles. As I said I think it may be very complex to add to the game but I’d be happy if they did.
seeing Red and Green as “Brown” is common for R/G weaknesses (afaik). The Y/B weakness is much rarer but shouldn’t affect the current coloring of AoE circles. So a “free choice of colors” might be a bit too much. Especially since I don’t know how those sprites are realized. In worst case, the devs has to make a different one for each color. So making it swap-able between “white/ red” and “yellow/ blue” should be enough.
But well, you’re the first one that actually mentioned the minimap legend. This makes it a bit more difficult (organizing, not implementation). If you’d make a checkbox for “r/g weakness” players, “y/b weakness” players couldn’t enable it for the minimap. So the devs would need to make two separate checkboxes for the AoE circle coloring and the minimap highlighting.
Btw. minimap highlighting should be done with a light border around the icons.
And then, I don’t know howto realize the AoE circles with actual color blindness (monochrome). That’s basically my original question. As a person without those weaknesses, I don’t know what the problem is or howto solve them correctly.
Being very color blind I have many problems, especially seeing plant and tree resource nodes on the mini map. That being said you may consider joining this conversation from yesterday/earlier today.
Being very color blind I have many problems, especially seeing plant and tree resource nodes on the mini map. That being said you may consider joining this conversation from yesterday/earlier today.
Oh sweet, glad to see an active thread already ;D I’m not usually very active on the forums. Thank you.
Hi, I’m almost completely colorblind (monochrome). I can’t see red circles 90% of the time, unless I adjust my monitor color output which ruins the game for me. I also have a very hard time seeing many of the floating platforms that have faint color to them, because they are usually just a light grey to me and blend in with the background quite a bit. Most of the time being colorblind isn’t an issue, but there are definitely a few situations that apply greatly.
I’ve forced myself to memorize enemy animations in order to get by some of the more challenging content, but going at it for the first time can be very frustrating for me until I figure out the fight. I’ve had to rely on heavy communication with people that I play with in order to get by a lot of the content that I enjoy playing. I’ve obviously dealt with it since release, but it is getting old.
I would very much like to see a colorblind mode implemented into the game. I don’t think that it would be very hard to do so by simply adding a feature that players could check in options that would change some of the colors. I would suggest something that applies to some of the more common forms of colorblind. For someone like myself a colorblind mode would only very slightly help and that’s just something I have to put up with, but I have a few friends who have specific weaknesses that I do think it would help.
And then, I don’t know howto realize the AoE circles with actual color blindness (monochrome). That’s basically my original question. As a person without those weaknesses, I don’t know what the problem is or howto solve them correctly.
To answer your question, there isn’t really much of a solution. But sometimes different colors can darken or change the shade of things like the AoE circles and make it a little more visible to someone who can’t see the colors at all. What would be ideal would actually be black or white. It would stand out against most textures. Spare a few here and there.
I’m for anything that might make things a bit better for us color blind players. However I’m not sure how they could implement it as I think it would be a bit complex. I have a more severe form of color blindness where I not only struggle with red-green (the most common type of color blindness) but I also have a difficult time distinguishing green from brown, distinguishing certain shades of grey green brown and a few others. When I take the The Ishihara Color Test I think I get about 3 of them right, haha
Trying to see plant and tree resource nodes on the mini map is almost impossible for me. If you want a good laugh watch me try to dye my armor.
In my case there is probably not much that could help. The only way I can see doing this to help others would be to let players select the colors they want for certain things like AOE circles. As I said I think it may be very complex to add to the game but I’d be happy if they did.
I really like your idea of being able to change colors for individual things, but that might be a bit complicated than simply changing colors to contrast more for specific weaknesses.
I am a friend of Draezha, and from what I’ve seen, they have had to deal with color blindness by memorizing and predicting the attack animations of boss monsters to predict when to dodge/reflect/etc. but when it comes to knowing where to dodge, they are helpless if they just dodge into ANOTHER red circle. That said, it’s often difficult to see the attack animations of creatures when they’re being hit with loads and loads of giant explodey particle effects. The very fact that Draezha has to play this way makes them an amazing player.
Then there’s the platforms. There are these platforms in various jumping puzzles and notably in FOTM (the asura fractal) where the platforms are translucent and red. Draezha cannot see these things. They are for all practical purposes invisible, and if someone isn’t standing on the platform to let them know where it is, they will miss. Although this is hilarious, it is also sad like a herd of lemmings jumping off a cliff into the ocean.
I’m not colorblind, but a greyscale mode or something to make the game easier for colorblind players is definitely something that needs consideration. They may not make up a very large portion of the player base, but think of it as another way to reduce the graphical load on processing power. A colorblind mode could very well be a way for players with less powerful computers to compensate as well.
(repost from https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Colorblind-Mode-2/first#post2585129 )
I am a friend of Draezha, and from what I’ve seen, they have had to deal with color blindness by memorizing and predicting the attack animations of boss monsters to predict when to dodge/reflect/etc. but when it comes to knowing where to dodge, they are helpless if they just dodge into ANOTHER red circle. That said, it’s often difficult to see the attack animations of creatures when they’re being hit with loads and loads of giant explodey particle effects. The very fact that Draezha has to play this way makes them an amazing player.
Then there’s the platforms. There are these platforms in various jumping puzzles and notably in FOTM (the asura fractal) where the platforms are translucent and red. Draezha cannot see these things. They are for all practical purposes invisible, and if someone isn’t standing on the platform to let them know where it is, they will miss. Although this is hilarious, it is also sad like a herd of lemmings jumping off a cliff into the ocean.
I’m not colorblind, but a greyscale mode or something to make the game easier for colorblind players is definitely something that needs consideration. They may not make up a very large portion of the player base, but think of it as another way to reduce the graphical load on processing power. A colorblind mode could very well be a way for players with less powerful computers to compensate as well.
I’m colorblind to red and green. It is slight but I notice it sometimes and this mode would be GREAT especially if they made the cursor more visible. It being brown and many ground textures being the same color is kinda silly.
I’m colorblind to red and green. It is slight but I notice it sometimes and this mode would be GREAT especially if they made the cursor more visible. It being brown and many ground textures being the same color is kinda silly.
The curser thing is an issue for me as well. On my 27" display it gets lost real fast and real easy.
You all let is sound so easy to implement. While I’m having trouble imagining to be colorblind, I still know a bit about it and I also know about game creation.
As I said previously:
Making an option to swap the coloring of AoE circles from “W/ R” to “Y/ B” shouldn’t be difficult and solve the majority of problems.
Additionally making a further checkbox to enable a small border around minimap icons.
But even those two options wouldn’t completely solve the issue. As I know, TF2 enables icons as replacement of colored effects. Like a bottle of milk above a wet player’s head. But we have targetting here and the buff/ debuff icons should be fine, even with a monochrome weakness.
- Laser platforms:
They might be a problem. I don’ know how a R/G weakness player can confuse yellow ones on white/ blue, but even normal players have problem seeing them. They’re meant to be semi-visible.
If you really have problems seeing them (not difficulties, but problems), please list them here. It might help the devs (if any of them care). Swapping colors there is a bit more difficult because they’re not meant to be fully visible. But changing colors might make them so.
- AoE circles on monochrome weakness
Making them “brighter” and “darker” barely helps. Even know there’re surfaces you can see the white lines and some you can barely see them. Like right now on bright sand, white and yellow are barely separatable.
Coloring the whole field (instead of just the border) would make it too visible and disturbing when multiple AoEs are close.
Could you design an option to make AoE rings in the game more visually seen for color blind players.
You all let is sound so easy to implement.
I don’t think anyone said it would be easy to implement.
I, also, am colorblind. I blazed through the queen’s gauntlet, never battling anyone more than 3 times, but spent 100+ tickets on liandri so far. I’ve gotten her to phase 2 only a handful of times due to not being able to see her nuke circles. It is pretty much impossible and sad to say I will be unable to complete this achievement due to developer oversight mixed with genetics…. kitten you mom!
I am not colorblind and still have difficulty seeing the aoe circles.
Anet, seriously. Figure out a player friendly way to alert them if incoming AoE. At the very least make the lines thicker and stop making the grounds (specifically the queens gauntlet) varying shades of red so that AoE rings are visible.
I came on this forum just now to specifically say something about this and alas, on the front page someone beat me to it.
This has been a serious issue since launch. Please remedy it.
For kitten’s sake, its not hard to implement. They could give people a colour slider to adjust the actual colour/intensity of UI stuff, like circles and and other stuff. No big deal.
+1 all over the place, I’m not colorblind at all, but some friends are so i support this. Some fights (coughLiadricough) are downright impossible for them and I believe it should be easy to implement.
My biggest gripe is not being able to see ring indications. Many people would be able to see the colors if they were more distinctive.
The problem is that many people have different types of colorblindness, so the solution would lean towards giving the players the ability to modify the colors.
Sure, some may say that it is difficult to implement, but it’s been done before in many games and I think it is a worthy fix.