Commander Icon Color changing

Commander Icon Color changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: ikereid.4637


I think its time we got the choice to change our Commander Icon to different colors (Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Orange, Black, White/Gray….ect.) So that when there are more then 1 Commanders on the map Players can see which tag to goto via the Color.

There are times were we could benefit from 3+ Commanders on a single map, One commander for Defending, One for Zerging/Offensive, and maybe another for Camp Flipping/Leading Roamers. But since everyone’s Commander Tag is the same Color, having more then 2 (North and South) Commanders on a single Map generally causes issues.

So I feel we (community) need the ability to change our tags to suite the need of what we are doing.

Have a Map Color Key that dictates what Color is what responsibility, Such as;

Red = Offensive/Zerg
Black = Zerg hunting/breaking
Blue = Map Commander, Leader of the over all team
Green = Garrison Defense
Purple = Hills Defense
Yellow = Bay Defense
Purple = Tower Defense
Gray = Camp Flipping

OR something of that nature.

the current Season lacks several things, including balanced matches (Thanks for that Arena Net!), But if we had better organization tools, I think we could have had better luck to over come some of that.

Again, this is a quality of Live issue that would be passed down to any player that generally follows commanders around.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Commander Icon Color changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jackal.3019


I agree somewhat; we might not need a colour for each position’s defense, but if we had the ability to change the colour from colour 1 (offense) to colour 2 or 3 (defense or supply/upgrading) it would help the colour 1 commander know that there are people back taking care of stuff at home just from a quick look at the map. It also gives people a reason to buy the tag, even if they are not comfortable with leading attacks/are not experienced with the nuances of WvW.

Isle of Janthir
Bad Acid Trip [BAT]

Commander Icon Color changing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sickle.6502


I have wanted this for a LONG time, +1