Commander Rank Based on Guild Influence
Oh yeah, we just had a commander in WvW who was totally clueless. However, commander title should definately NOT be based on guild influence. There are some very small guilds with active members guiding the battles on some servers. They have big affect in our success and would make perfect commanders. However, if it was influence based, they could never get the title.
Besides, if it was based on guild influence, all you would need to do is make up a guild with catchy name, get people join it and then you’re set. You don’t need to even visit WvW.
However, how about we make the commander title all about WvW? You get honor badges when you do stuff in WvW → base the price on honor badges. The current conversion rate for badges is 1 = 1s, so… I guess 10k badges oughta do it. Sounds like alot? Then you’re not playing any WvW.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
i agree that commander book shouldnt be bought with coin. I think it should be bought with medals of honor, karma, and require them to have atleast 1 wvw title
Since the greatest source of badges is the jumping puzzles, I can’t entirely agree with that suggestion. We also need to limit the number of blue dots.
If a small guild has a good leader, he is going to have to put his recruiting skills to work. You aren’t going to win battles with players who are aimlessly following blue dots. You will need direct communication (eg. voice chat) with the followers or else they are nothing but meat shields. Map and team chat are frequently ignored.
Mostly, I just want an option I can select so I do NOT see commander icons on my maps, especially in the PvE zones.
I think it should be based on badges, guild influence, and a petition that get placed on a sign near the Asura gates. This petition would require a certain number of people to sign and agree that the person in question is a leader. If a guild is large enough to fill one out themselves, then obviously they have enough people to create a zerg. I was thinking something like 100 signatures in a 3 day window.