Commander status

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yadda.2764


We’re reaching the point where very many people have 100g now. I personally have over 200g, I don’t want commander though. I don’t need to see who commanders are nor do I care about them or even respect them since it’s a gold bought title; I just see them as morons with zero qualifications.

More and more commanders are popping up on my server and I really don’t need to see them. Can we have commander title moved to a REAL achievement rather than gold? This is getting really stupid.

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


I agree. Just having a large amount of money does not qualify you for leading a team/squad or giving orders. Right now commander status just seems to indicate that you’re (or were) pretty rich.

ArenaNet’s point is to limit the number of commanders. So why don’t they let the (large) guilds decide, who is going to be one? If they wanted to be consequent with their current strategy, they’d have to increase the price of that status each time it is bought to limit the amount of commanders in the long run.

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


It would be easy if commander status would be a guld upgrade in Art of War.
You need level whatever in Art of War and all your officer and leader in the guild are able to become squad commander.
If you intend that only leading personal of large guilds are able to become commander make it a guild upgrade, this isn’t rocket science. O_o

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khaie.5246


Of course one can still abuse the suggested (above) system – can pay people to join your guild, can buy guild influence; it’ll cost more than 100g though, hopefully much more.

I can see commanders usefulness in WvW, but they have to be able and trustworthy.

(edited by Khaie.5246)

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


I did post a suggestion on this several days ago. I couldn’t give akittenabout commanders one way or the other. I’ll probably have to buy it myself when I can be bothered to accumulate enough money. What I don’t want is to see the stupid blue arrows cluttering up my screen & map. I want control over whether or not I see commander icons, please. I definitely don’t want to see them outside of WvW where they are meaningless!

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square