Commander upgrade
i think is very good idea. Make for commanders boom and all squad booms at lvl.
ie. when commander have first or second lvl the all in squad gets 1% vitality or 1% power.
make different specializations of commanding (strong commander – gets power maybe stability, vigor commander – vitality swiftness, curse commander – more conditions and precision) Commander only learn when lead people win other. Those need to chose one way of commanding. It would be good for people playing in squad as well commanders
This could only really work if there was a debuff given to all squad members if their commander is killed. It could be demoralize and lower everyone’s vitality by the same it would be raised by the commander’s presence.
=/ only one problem with commander perks
more commanders
Overlapping perk
Team with most commanders wins fights
It could lead to a larger lop sided advantage.
Small guilds would have problems competing with larger zerg guilds who would gain exp more rapidly due to how fast they can flip objectives. I like the utility functions and I like commander levels. It would be nice to know how good that commander is before joining in on his tag. I don’t think being a commander should give players any kind of in game bonus stats or perks though UNLESS it was the same for all commanders and could not stack.
Just playing the flip side of this and pointing out the obvious exploits.
No. Vertical progression is undesired.
I believe that, if this leveling Commander thing is used, only the top tier of Commanders should give a buff to their Squad, and there could be a limited amount of people per squad (Not the 100+ people already, but maybe just like 15-20). This means that having multiple commanders wouldn’t be OP or unfair, but that everybody would be able to take part of the Squad Buff. But having Commanders in PvE? Meh.
1st of all, bonus should be counted for people under commander (for thoese who are in his squad and only in his squad) this should do the work and they should be in his range to gain it
2nd this debuff idea is nice, commanders then should watch out for their life
3rd on world map there should be info about commander when you hover over his tag (and some kind of note maybe?)
The commander and squad system is one of the worst I’ve used in the last 6 years playing MMO’s. Needs a complete overhaul.