Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: testpig.5018



Can we please have options to …
-Turn off other commander icons on the mini map/map (i don’t want to see 100 blue dots of people that bought gold online to buy that book. i want to pick the blue dot i wish i see/follow)
-Change the WvW commander to a Guild upgrade, which allows guilds to have their own private Commander which only the guild can see and earn. Then when a player join a WvW, a UI window can be called that shows “PUBLIC SQUADS/COMMANDERS” and then players can join it, and thus follow as many blue dots as they wish.
-also the option to join multi commanders to see more blue dots.

you get the idea.

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arys.5193


I would like this too. :P

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Why does it matter? Is it hard to not follow the blue diamond?

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: testpig.5018


Because in time, there can be 50 dots on the mini map, and i personally rather have the feature hashed out before it gets to that point =)

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


Eventually we will have lots of commanders, so there will be lots of blue triangles on the map… Which in itself is probably not too bad… If everyone is a commander, we’ll know where everyone is at all the time. Which is pretty good to coordinate attacks and defense.

Ok, everyone, get a commander book so we can see where everyone is on the map. Of course, the whole idea of having a “commander” to organize stuff would go out the window…

Maybe add a cheaper “marker” book so you are marked on the map all the time (smaller dot), and have the commander book for people that want to lead.

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arghore.8340


It’s way easier to add a ‘Major book’ for 1000g by the time we get to everybody being a commander. Giving off a yellow star on the map… etc and so on… I think the commander feature will actually be more usefull when more people have reached lvl80 and played through their PvE story.

Atleast i know that most my time is going to that atm. (lvling and enjoying pve), and that WvW is reserved for when i get to lvl80 and am looking for new challenges. Assuming there are more players like myself, the commander will proof it’s worth as more people join WvW, and those that have the experience can lead those (then still newbs) into battle…

I do agree on the Guild Option though! It soulds like a guild should deffo be able to unlock such a feature for the group leader of their guild. Meaning that any group leader in the guild becomes a Commander for that group once that group enters WvW, given that the Commander function is unlocked through the guildworkshop…

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bad Nursie.2876

Bad Nursie.2876

Why does it matter, Mr. Tradewind? It’s an annoyance cluttering up my map/mini map and covering up icons that actually are important to me. Don’t want to see the diamonds, especially in PVE. Don’t want to see ALL of them in WvW unless I choose to. I have no intention of following someone who bought his/her title instead of earning it and my respect along with it. All we’re asking for is an option to disable it or to be able to choose which commander we want taking up space on our maps. I don’t think that’s unreasonable, and it shouldn’t be too difficult for the capable folks at Anet to implement. I understand the importance of good leadership in WvW, as I play it a lot, but there must be a better way. Btw, I made a post here about this just last night.

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nubz Unite.5694

Nubz Unite.5694

on HoD i have never seen more than 3 commanders on at once and why not follow them? I follow the commanders untill they do something really stupod

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


oh that’s what those are…i thought they updated the party dots – when in a party, you get a blue dot, as well, though i guess it looks different. i spent 40 silver following one, thinking it was my leveling buddy, who was in my party.

i find the current party member dot really difficult to find when fully zoomed out of the world map. it should be larger, and feature a customizable icon.

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Jaguar.9504

Lord Jaguar.9504

Some of the original ideas here are brilliant.

1) Let guilds buy a Commander feature and be able to assign it to anyone in the guild at any time (transferable)

2) People who join WvW can see a list of active Squads in that borderlands. These squads can be opened by anyone with a commander badge and once joined will highlight squadmembers on-screen and on the mini map a different color.

3) People who are NOT in the squad will NOT see the giant commander badge.

This will create a much stronger incentive to both join squads and actually follow the squad in WvW.

Commanders.... ugh 100g for ego buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: testpig.5018



when will we see some commander fixes?