Compact option per bag

Compact option per bag

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


So I am one of those people who likes to have my thinks in a specific order and certain items in certain bags. Salvage kits and harvesting tools in one, food and potions etc in one, armor sets in another, random vanity items in another and so on.
But sometimes when I am to click Deposit collectable I somehow accidentally hit Compact and everything that is not in a safe bag ends up in the backpack. It makes me face desk the keyboard and then I have to spend time sorting everything out into the right bags again.

Now, I know I can just get invisible bags, but I have a specific bag for things to sell and those item would not show up if they were in an invisible bag. I also know that this is more or less just a personal thing for me (and probably for some others).

But! I played D&D Neverwinter beta and there I discovered that they had a compact-like option, or sort option for each back. If I wanted to compact everything in my first bag, I could just click the icon above that bag in the Inventory window. If I only wanted to sort things in the second bag, I just clicked the sort option button above that bag and so on. The items in the other bags remained untouched.

It would be neat if to have the option to compact the bag of your choosing. Even the invisible bags, but the items would just be sorted in that bag and not compact into the starter backpack.

Compact option per bag

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

just get 1 of each of the other special bags problem solved

Compact option per bag

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


Yes, but then I have to manually sort the things within those bags. If I had a lot of things say within a crafting bag, instead of moving every item into order one by one, I would just be able to hit Sort for that bag and the items would put themselves into order automatically.

Compact option per bag

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vael Victus.2654

Vael Victus.2654

I would like to echo this. I really want to use my uncommon fractal bags that hold 20 items, but they don’t compact. I understand why, it’s just kind of annoying. Ticking ‘compactable’ on each bag would be loverly.