(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
Patch notes on launcher and website (not Facebook / Twitter)added- Left over heart quest items. (stuff left in inventory after you complete quest.. nothing else for them) Let me vendor em as trash.
- Key Bind 3 Different keybinds. Loot, Resurrect and Interact. Sometimes I want to resurrect rather than looking an item or chopping a tree etc.
- Toggle to show items in environment, rather than having to hold down ctrl.
- Escape shouldn’t stop you from running.
- Ability to link everything to chat. Gear, Recipes, Skills, from Preview Pane as well.
- /who for the zone.
- Vendor auto filter which is on by default. If you cannot use it because of profession (not level), do not show it.
- Telegraph circles (NPC target circle) needs to be more visible.
- Show titles under player names instead of only viewing them when you click the player
- automatic town clothes in cities option
- Town clothes shouldn’t swap out when you take falling damage.
- Lower waypoint traveling costs
- on screen FPS & latency display options
- back/cloak items don’t show in some cases
- bigger selection of underwater helms
- bigger selection of cloak & back items
- if I hide helm/shoulders in game on my character they should be hidden in character selection as well.
- View your own portrait on the UI (next to the party list)
- Provide each race with starter armor representative of their unique cultural aesthetic
- Allow other races to purchase armor inspired by the other races
- Items soulbound to another character in the bank should say which character they are soulbound too.
Make dungeon tokens bind to account, having to grind tokens on every single character for skins is not fun, Why can’t my ele earn armor skin tokens for my mesmer?- Added- Too many NPC’s walk away and close dialog to fast while trying to read what they’re saying.
- Double click from Inventory to bank should automatically stack like items.
- Warning notification for items you’re about to salvage. I think some items do this but not all.
- Mini pets should run faster to keep up with you character.
- Your characters weapons should be shown in the character selection menu
- Mounts *Controversial
- Inspecting other players with a privacy option to disallow inspection.*Controversial
[edit]Marked items that have been added[/edit]
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
New Mechanics which aren’t in the game in any form:
- An item that allows you to capture a skin into it. For example you have a steamblade, you use that item on it and you get a “steamblade skin” which you can then trade/use/gift/etc . This is slightly different than transmute stone as you do not need the destination item.
- fishing in the game
- Plastic surgery (for gems) allow revamp of characters face / hair choices.
- Personal log of recently encountered skills, items, enemies, areas etc. Similar to the help window in Guild Wars. This log should be clickable & allow you to view the item in the wiki, the wiki should open in game instead of alt-tabbing you out of the game.
- Custom Chat Channels (ie allow users to create custom chat channels with an optional password for access).
- Ability to dye hair & Also lipstick
- Armor “decay” in terms of looks only – scratches, blood splatter etc
- A Minipet management button where you select the minipet from your collection that you wish to have active, instead of having to carry your minipet with you in your inventory.
- Guild Recruiting bulletin board – Allow guilds to post an advertisement on the board while allowing users to browse the guilds & apply to join them. For an extra fee allow guilds to higher a town crier who will advertise their guild to passersby.
- more skills per weapon (ie, let us learn different skills to choose from for our weapons) *Controversial
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
Downed State: Zoomed in too close for quick use of Thief / Mesmer escapesFixedMouse Zoom / FOV change. Let us zoom out more and increase the FOV*In Testing Now- Allow First Person View
- In some cases the friends list doesn’t remember nicknames & resets.
- Allow movement of UI elements.
- Option for self health bar above / below target heath bar.
- Within range indicator below 1-5 buttons is inaccurate.
- World Map: Turn on / off items from legend. Would help trying to locate that last POI or Vista for a zone that you just cant seem to locate. (ie hide/unhide Points of interest, vistas, and hearts individually)
- An apply button for trait points, as well as a minus, so you can work on a build prior to applying it.
- Character specific keybinds (I don’t need F2-4 at all on a necro, but as close to me as possible when playing elementalist)
- Reorganisation of the skill bar (same skills, but if I want weapon skill one in position 5, I should be ablte to move it there.)
- Tactical minimap (toggle option) change minimap behaviour to:
* left click: ping
* left click (hold): draw
* right click: personal waypoint
* right click (hold): move map - Improve Fog Of War make it more definable to show the areas not yet explored compared to explored areas
- Tooltips for portals on the map listing their destination.
- The ability to bind to mouse wheel up/down
- Chat font size currently scales with your UI it should not
- The Elite Skill that is included in Deluxe Version should have a tooltip on it stating how it can be obtained
- See how many of each collectible you have in their tooltip
- Change the white text color of boon stack number because it’s really hard to see when there are 2 digits. The boon icon is already white (in the background), and the number is also white.
- An Icon to show which zones your character has completed 100%
- Casting / Charge bar below target bar. (ability to see when target is casting) *Controversial
- Target of Target display *Controversial
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
- Queue for all 4 WvW areas.
- Show what battleground I am queued for when queued for only one.
- Show Queue time. both how long I have been queued and estimate.
- Ability to see WvW score when in overflow.
- overflow wvw. Since on many servers at night wvw is full for everyone, why not have an overflow instance. That instance would only happen if all 3 sides are full, buildings would not be upgradable and state of the map would not count toward server points.
- Join from overflow < Most common complaint around Also seems quicker to join WvW from portal rather than queuing via menu
- The ability to donate for upgrades instead of having one person purchase the entire thing. A bar can appear showing how much has been donated before completion of the upgrade. Essentially allows pooling of resources by the entire team, instead of one person investing more heavily than everyone else.
- Make the ammunition for siege weapons 1 supply, i.e if you fire the trebuchet then it costs 1 supply and will keep costing supply until you run out or someone resupplies you, this way people can’t spam theses powerful weapons. *Controversial
- Capture the Flag map
- Queuing as a group for both PvP and WvW
- Dueling
- 2v2, 3v3 Arenas
- Smaller Scale mass combat. 15v15, 25v25 mini campaigns to support WvW
- Remove downed state from SPvP. *Controversial
Auto complete mail to name from guild / friend listaddedAbility to report gold seller from mail without having to open a bug and screenshotadded- Remember last person you sent mail to.
- COD (Cash on Delivery)
- Notification ! When item sells at trading post.
- Allow buying and selling of quantities larger than 250
- Looking for group – Currently very weak implementation, add system so i can say I’m wanting to be in a group for x event, y dungeon, z pvp, make it easy to see who is available via a pool of players. E.G. i want to be questing along with specific flags saying what I’m interested in doing. Currently seems to only work with friends?!?
- Separate the friend notifications (ie JaneDoe.3232 has come online) from the game messages in chat options.
- Include a way to go straight back to your transactions if you click on one that you are buying/selling and it searches for them.
- Increased resolution for text in the trading post
- Right clicking names in chat won’t show a menu sometimes
- Preview items from Trading Post.
- Ability to send more stacks in the mail
- Player to player trading in person. *Controversial
Craft directly from bank inventoryadded- Remember collection tab’s settings. i.e. keep food tab collapsed.
- Karma vendors for various trophys (small fangs etc) or ways to upgrade / downgrade a surplus of one line to another. i.e. salvage Fangs to Small Fangs to Tiny Fangs.
- Allow salvage on all items. Especially Heart vendor items that are bought with karma.
- Mystic Forge: All Items Bind on Equip, or at worst Bind to Account. No need to make equipment I cant even use or trade.
- Fix bug that makes “craft all” only work with 3 digit numbers. (ie hitting craft all when you have 1200 ore, only does 200 and not 1200)
- Provide additional inventory slots in the bank for crafted ingredients/components
[edit]Marked items which have been added to the game[/edit]
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
- Guild Bank funds(gold) should have separate permissions from than the guild bank items.
- The Guild Message of the day should be shown to you when you log on
- If the Guild Message of the Day is updated it should be shown to all members
- If a member logs in visible it should let you know they have come on line, also it should tell the guild when you log off.
- When you join a guild you should be notified that you need to click represent to interact with the guild and earn influence for the guild.
- Show guild members on map (different color / icon if they are not in your party) or allow larger party’s for PvE world events. (not dungeons / wvw)
- Option to appear offline to guilds you are not representing. (i.e. I’m on an alt that is in another guild, but don’t want to be visible to guild of my main.)
- Alliance Chat and/or Custom Chat channels
- Officer Chat
- Allow Guild Leaders to send announcement type mails to guild members
- General Class requests
* Better rewards for support (ie, rezzing, setting up combo fields, killing smaller monsters)
* Bind-able weapon swapping button for all professions (greyed out or unavailable while in combat for the respective professions who do not have weapon swapping.)
* One alternate build slot to allow a PvE and a WvW build.
- Necromancer:
* Display pet life
* Pet Control: Ability to call off pets - Ranger:
* Pet Names do not stay.
* Pet AI needs improvement, they run ahead and aggro mobs.
* Full Control over your pet Skills *controversial
- A way to see through the nuclear overkill of spell effects for melee (we can’t see when to dodge or our characters in big groups). Let alone see the tiny red circle lines. Bloom effect is rather overkill in some places, i do like the style used but an option to tone it down would be really appreciated without effecting other nice shaders as it just makes the game ‘foggy’.
- Physics – Running off an edge should have momentum not make you stick straight to the floor below you Similarly movement while in the air is very floaty and jerky if you try to move/stop moving
[edit]corrected typo’s[/edit]
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
New Mechanics which aren’t in the game in any form:
- An item that allows u to capture a skin into it. For example you have a steamblade, you use that item on it and you get a “steamblade skin” which you can then trade/use/gift/etc . This is slightly different than transmute stone as you do not need the destination item.
- Plastic surgery (for gems) allow revamp of characters face / hair choices.
- more skills per weapon (ie, let us learn different skills to choose from for our weapons) *Controversial
these are my favorite, especially the more skills per weapon, if you mean keeping 5 useable skills but still being able to learn more skills for that weapon i think is a must, that was we can mix and match abit more and not be doing the same thing all the time, even if it is only 2 more skills per mainhand/2h wep and maybe 1 extra for offhand weapons so that we get abit more choice on how we play/use our characters.
The plastic surgery, or just character resesigns i also really hope for.. we had it in GW1 i dont see why we did it now (obviously i dont think we should be able to change race that might complicate or even mess up the personal stories) i have things i feel i designed wrong on my main character who is level 80 and finished the personal story and it really eats away at me.
The capture armour skin also feels like a must, since we’re going to be mainly playing for skins shouldnt there be a way for us to collect armour skins and be able to change our style every now and again?
Fantastic thread. Couple things I would like to add:
SPvP weapons: I’d like to mark which ones to toggle as “not a collectible” so that when I hit “deposit all collectibles” it doesn’t keep depositing my weapons I still intend on using. On my thief I keep 2 daggers, 2 pistols, 1 sword, and a bow in my bag, later when I deposit my collectibles it keeps putting anything not equipped back in my locker.
Better way to determine mesmer clones (although enemy health bar text would fix this)
Edit: Removal of your game tag from forums. I don’t want this posted here.
*Fix Down-Scaling. Currently only green and above loot scales, makes it all scale! XP does not scale at all (far too low).
*Additional Weapon Skills. Let us select multiple skills like utilities for weapons. (Might already have it down)
*Dual Professions like GW1, gives alot more room for strategy. (Course you have to level the class and unlock the skills first)
*Better Loot
*Runes not being Soulbound on pick-up
*Make Explorable Mode easier or reduce repair cost by 50%.
Except where noted below, I either agree or dont care either way about the points of that list:
We do NOT need mounts – detrimetnal to game
We do NOT need inspection – detrimental to game
we do not need fishing – boring as hell, just go do it in real life if you want it
Target of target not required – detrimental to game
Cast bar for target not required – detrimental to game
Downed state should stay in Spvp – adds tactical dimension to play
LFG needs to be put in badly. – not having LFG is severly detrimental to both game and community. “LFG TA Mes” “LFG TA Mes” repeated 20 times is not community building. Also lack of it means people have to camp certain zones rather than be out enjoying the world if you want to group.
more weapon skills not necessary – add more weapons in expansions/patches if necesary.
Additional points:
Contribution needs to go. Gold/silver/bronze needs to be removed. Contribution should just be awarded for taking part at a flat level. Right now it actively discourages good group play, as ressing or supporting penalises you, and classes with ramp up time rather than burst aoe dps dont get loot/contribution/exp from the events.
This is possibly the biggest flaw in the game right now and need URGENT attention by Anet.
Downscaling needs to be harsher, right now you are still stupidly OP when downscaled more than a few levels.
Events need to be made harder, possibly repeated player sucess makes the enemies much much stronger so we see failure events. Right now we will never see half the event chains as there is no chance the events will travel down the failure path, they are locked at total success.
Personally, I would love if they added multiple guild chat. In other words, being able to see guild chat from any guild you’re in without having to represent. I game with a couple different fried clicks and I’m am constantly having to switch my represent just to see what the discussion is. I can see how this could be controversial in say WvW situations where someone could multibox and scout, but I am getting tired of having to keep switching guilds to communicate.
I’d also like to see collectible slots for things like destroyer and onyx slivers, shards, cores, etc.
Finally, make preview from the TP an option. I don’t understand why this wasn’t implemented from the start…
(edited by timmay.2613)
I didnt read all of it but Id like to add a suggestion for a wardrobe feature. Something special only for sets of armor/trinkets/weapons. Each set taking 1k Gems to unlock and the ability to take one set with you (in addition to the one you ware).
Add a feature to the char window to switch to your named wardrobe and book, youre in a differant set of gear with one click and you dont have to hunt it down in your bags every time. Even the special bags it can get confusing and annoying to hunt down and make sure all my damage gear is on instead of MF gear or support gear or tanking gear. etc.
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
in Suggestions
Posted by: Sigilbeckons.4573
Turn off pet names like we can PCs and NPCs. Takes away from immersion.
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
in Suggestions
Posted by: That Other Guy.7351
Please add an option in settings to make you have to press ESC to deselect targets. My ability to PvP is seriously hindered by suddenly losing my target multiple times during the fight because I accidentally clicked somewhere and this setting was a godsend when I played WoW.
I thought of something else, A better recruiting system for guilds would be nice, something like a bulletin board system so guild leaders & officers don’t have to spam messages all over the place. Also it would be nice if Users could post Looking for guild posts on the board.
Amazing post, congrats for your work here.
What I would like to see is the Heart Reknown quests worked on as well as Dynamic and Meta events.
Heart Reknown quests are a bit repetitve and very restrictive as in order to complete the quests you have to be around that area in order to contribute, I would like to see like an alternative part of those quests where you talk to the npc for the quest and they have a specific part in that quest is bound to you and gives you an option to go outside of the area to get points for quests that contribute to it, kinda like a fetch quest as one of them I have in mind? Like if a woman is taking care of her grandmother and she is ill and needs medicine and asks you to go to the city and get the medicine, she could either give you a pass (if possible to be implemented) or give you the money for waypoints based on your level. I currently find it very limited where the system is currently at and also if possible I would like to see when you complete the heart quests, they stay permanent, like you helping the sick sylvari’s and they stay healthy or a less hostile environment around the area while others can work on the quest and you can contribute if you talk to the npc to make it optional if you wanna toggle the events that occur in that quest, and make the reward system more unique because I find it weird that a toad has gold on him where they had a hard time getting truffles, they could reward you like the toad offering you a truffle or two or a farmer offering gowns, I don’t mind gold just I would like to make it feel more attaching to that npc to feel more natural.
I would like to see the Dynamic events and Meta events respawn time tuned down because it’s waaay to frequent and loses it’s immersion imo. I see a world boss, kill it, 30 minutes to an hour later and it’s already back… I think 1-3 weeks of these kind of bosses should be the respawn time and it’s not like we lose a way of getting exp or money since there are alot of ways of obtaining exp and money. I would also like to see world bosses be a little bit more challenging than it just spamming AoE, I could just use my ranged auto-attack and go afk and I contribute. and maybe some meta events set at certain times and have different outcomes possibly like escorting someone who is carrying cargo and is always attacked by freaking centaurs, make the attacks happen by different enemies and how many will attack during(if any) during the meta, and the the person carrying the cargo will transport his goods like 8 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon.
I see great potential with this game, though the pve content is so bleh to me currently and I hope somthing happens about this part of it’s content.
I would like to see the ability to purchase Guild Wide Mail with influence. In other words I use influence to purchase the ability for the guild leaders & officers to Mass Mail the guild.
There is a huge out cry for Elementalist. our forum is screaming with people asking to give Ele’s more damage because they are meant to be a Glass Cannon but a lot feel that they do not have the damage they should.
Also, can they add a way to change how a character looks after being created. Like recustomization.
(edited by Dark midget.7815)
Keep posting here. Any acknowledgement from the ANet would be super awesome – in terms of “we like (insert suggestion here), it MIGHT be possible to add this later on”.
Edit: this is the topic that should be pinned, imo, because it shows the compilation way more clearly than it is the case with the current pinned one.
(edited by Raging Bull.5048)
+1 to character recustomization kit (most likely from gemstore) and character name change.
Also – I don’t like pets being “unstowed” (is that a word?) whenever the ranger goes from/to underwater or is attacked. Keep pets stowed until I manually unstow them!
(edited by trueplayer.6013)
Another addition I thought of, the ability to not be “followed” by people. It’s a very creepy thing, or at least some clarification as too if blocking them will prevent them from seeing you online.
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
in Suggestions
Posted by: robinsiebler.3801
If you block someone, they cannot see you in chat or whisper to you. They can still see your char, if they can find you and they can follow you around, but they cannot interact with you.
If you set yourself as invisible, you appear offline and no one can whisper to you. You can only be talked to in /say, /guild, and /party.
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
in Suggestions
Posted by: robinsiebler.3801
I have 20+ suggestions, but I am not going to list them all here, that would be too time consuming for me.
Absolutely no gear inspections. If you want to know what someone is wearing, ask them. If you want to admire their gear, take a screenshot or three.
Love that list. I hope Anet is reading it.
But i have to agree with this:
We do NOT need mounts – detrimetnal to game
We do NOT need inspection – detrimental to game
we do not need fishing – boring as hell, just go do it in real life if you want it
Target of target not required – detrimental to game
Cast bar for target not required – detrimental to game
Downed state should stay in Spvp – adds tactical dimension to play
The rest is awsome.
“Make dungeon tokens bind to account, having to grind tokens on every single character for skins is not fun, Why can’t my ele earn armor skin tokens for my mesmer?”
This have been added and need to be edited in op post =)
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
in Suggestions
Posted by: Chrispytoast.3698
more weapon skills not necessary – add more weapons in expansions/patches if necesary.
I Disagree, adding new weapons will help Diversify what you can do but you will still be a GS Warrior or a Staff Elementalist, your build will never be unique.
Adding more skills to each weapon will make it feel like you have your own build and your own character.
Additional points:
Contribution needs to go. Gold/silver/bronze needs to be removed. Contribution should just be awarded for taking part at a flat level. Right now it actively discourages good group play, as ressing or supporting penalises you, and classes with ramp up time rather than burst aoe dps dont get loot/contribution/exp from the events.
This is possibly the biggest flaw in the game right now and need URGENT attention by Anet.
This does need to be fixed but a flat rate for anyone in the area is not going to fix things, it would allow for people to go AFK and still get credit for events. There should still be contribution to the event so you cannot hit it once and leave and get the same credit for someone who did most of the work. They do need to find a way to give more credit to supporting play styles though.
Downscaling needs to be harsher, right now you are still stupidly OP when downscaled more than a few levels.
I like having the feeling that I am a little OP when I go back to lower areas, it makes me feel like I made progress since I was here the last time. I am not invincible so that’s fine for me.
Events need to be made harder, possibly repeated player sucess makes the enemies much much stronger so we see failure events. Right now we will never see half the event chains as there is no chance the events will travel down the failure path, they are locked at total success.
Yes, events have now become success, success, success, if you are not the only person doing a tough event. Increasing the difficulty for the same event the next time around would make it much more rewarding, players would see more of the event chains and would appreciate the challenge.
Send Gold to: Chrispytoast
Can we please not turn this thread into a discussion, I asked in my OP that this thread remain a suggestion thread, and not a discussion thread on the items being suggested, the point is to make arena net see our suggestions, not our disagreements/agreements about them.
(edited by MrsAngelD.6971)
Since this is compiled list I’m asking for help, please let me know if anything on this list since it’s posting has been implemented, I looked over it and edited what I knew, but I might have missed something.
I followed this list from Guru and thought it best to keep the number of posts down to one compiled list for anet to review. Nice list btw, I have a couple of items that could be added (some are my ideas others are ones I have seen single posts for)
- Hat Keeper, self explanatory.
- Chat, a channel for cross guild communication (ie. GW1 aliance chat channel) lots of players belong to multiple guilds and/or were part of an aliance that carried over from GW1 and would be nice to chat without having to track multiple pm’s.
- Guild roster view similar to GW1, useful for officers and GL’s to keep track of when members last logged in or how long they have been logged in. Lets us know if someone we invited hasn’t logged back on since release and are inactive, etc.
- Armor repair (needs help) possible options are;
A.) increase the frequency of the npc’s in some zones (will save players coinage to use towards repairs instead of from WP travel too).
B.) Introduce a Guild Repair Contract or Guild Armor Repairer (small reduced cost) we have guild armorsmiths/weaponsmiths so why not.
C.) Introduce Armor Repairer as a crafting profession (ie. armorsmith, tailor, leatherworker, etc) possible reqs being to have obtained certain level in the craft of the type of armor to be repaired previously. This may be a bit of a reach, but I thought I would toss it in the mix.
- Karma, increase reward amount/reduce items karma costs, either works or add a
npc that (for a small cost) will trade skill points for karma.
- Black Lion Chests (needs alot of help) remove from game(lol), increase key aquisition rate or from more locations, or even make items from chests worth purchasing keys thru cash shop with RL money worthwhile.
- Craftting material trader to trade x-amount of one mat for x-amount of another equal tier item. Or increase drop rates on some more commonly needed items.
- Make Trait Points payable per point to adjust instead of full reset.
- Remove item limitations on acount/soulbound items to be salvagable, if not sellable, including items obtained thru mystic forge and heart vendors.
- All game features available normally should be available while in overflow.
Exsisting – info to add to
•Notification ! When item sells at trading post. (also have control over the sale of item, to who, sell price adjustment, and and price bartering option)
•Allow movement of UI elements. (add all the same UI customize features available from GW1 interface)
These have been added ingame to some degree
If I am wrong on these, disregard
•Double click from Inventory to bank should automatically stack like items.
(this can be done with with right-click on almost all crafting mats/collectables from anywhere ingame)
•Ability to link everything to chat. Gear, Recipes, Skills, from Preview Pane as well.
(this can be done on most individual items – but not from preview and no full builds-yet)
I didn’t mean for this post to be this long, just had to throw in my 2cents and some wishful thinking.
(edited by Maro.2170)
Compiled List(Large) of suggestions from community sites
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
There is a huge out cry for Elementalist. our forum is screaming with people asking to give Ele’s more damage because they are meant to be a Glass Cannon but a lot feel that they do not have the damage they should.
Also, can they add a way to change how a character looks after being created. Like recustomization.
what?? ele’s can damage higher then people know, if they buffed them more, i could 1 shot people in WvW with my trait scheme..glass cannon, has never been an ele who knows how to use earth/gw2=utility+earth.
I tried reading threw but couldnt find…REMOVE COST of REASSIGNING TRAITS, i could play with my attributes all i want in GW1, for no cost, to find a system that works for me,, now when im asked to play ele, im asked under 2 role’s…it sucks paying every time, people want me 2 play 1 over the other..now i hide offline.
I would like to see something done to help increase populations in the non-starter/non-endgame areas. If there could be a way to merge servers in some areas when they drop below a certain population, that would be awesome. I hate running around an empty zone, especially when I have to pass DEs in progress because it’s a Champion fight or they’re already overrun with mobs and I’d die within a few minutes if I tried to solo them.
Why I find myself putting down Guild Wars 2 and re-entering the seemingly vastly inferior World of Warcraft yet again:
Like so many others that have left suggestions in this thread, I’d like to start by thanking and congratulating A-net on a wonderful and wickedly fun game. That said, I have a couple of big issues with the gameplay experience, that are truly becoming deal breakers for me. And, I fear will unfortunately, force me to leave this amazing game behind.
1) The first, isn’t as big a nuisance as my other issue, but nonetheless I find it very bothersome. It has to do with the lack of actual good/bad guys (light/dark duality) in the sPVP experience. During one PVP game I find myself locked in mortal combat with the diabolical blue team and all of their individual devilish lil’ players and the very next match, loe and behold I have joined forces with my arch enemies (or some of them at least) and am now fighting for the forces of evil. It makes me feel dirty all over, like I need to take a shower and gives the entire PVP experience more of a TRAINING feel than actual blood and guts, all out WARFARE.
2) The second problem is with the PVE experience. It (PVE) is such a beautiful, detailed, rich and truly robust reality, that you all have crafted for us in that part of the game that it hurts me to say this, but it is lacking a key component that seriously takes away from the overall experience of rockin’ it… FEAR! The threat of real danger lurking out there in the world and the amazing gaming rush that comes with it. I’m not talking about the fear of challenging in-game creature or hard bosses, or the WvW experience, but rather the absolute rush of fear you experience in the PVE world, when a chance encounter finds you face to face with another player that is compelled to kill you. Or, just the wonderful uncertainty of knowing that at any time while your out questing, another player or a number of other players could suddenly descend on you and stomp you into the afterlife. It would make the idea of leveling characters undeniably more fun, challenging and edgy.
Maybe if there were certain parts of the map where the realms actually came together or inter-twined in some way creating contested areas or territories where players from competing realms would be thrown together in the same environment while questing in these areas would be a good solution.
Hopefully there are solutions to these shotcomings, cuz they are itches that I really need scratched.
Welp, in the imortal words of Forest Gump “That’s all I have to say about thaat”.
Either way, Thanks guys…
Layniac out