Completely unfair physics

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

If I can be hit, knocked, shoved or pushed off a cliff, ledge, wall, building, bridge… whatever… by an enemy then I should be able to knock the Centaur, Skritt, Etin… WHATEVER doesn’t fly – off the cliff, ledge, wall, building, bridge… as well. AND they should take fall damage with the same “Ugh, I fell and it hurts” delay in getting up. If it dies from the fall it dies from the fall, just like me.

Allowing the target to be shoved off an edge and then stand back up in air and come at you is lame.

Please fix it.

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


They will never “fix” this because it is very exploitable, what if the mob can’t get back up at you and is melee? Perfect way to kill hard mobs, drop them off a cliff then pew pew them? Event mobs can get stuck that way preventing events from progressing, so overall a big no

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


They will never “fix” this because it is very exploitable, what if the mob can’t get back up at you and is melee? Perfect way to kill hard mobs, drop them off a cliff then pew pew them? Event mobs can get stuck that way preventing events from progressing, so overall a big no

Not so, If a mob is in a position where it cant attack you doesnt it go ‘invunerable’ ? hence making any hope of exploit a waste of time ? !

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Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Yeah, this is way to exploitable. Also, I could easily see TONS of people trolling with this. Got that champ down to 10% health? Oh I’ll just use tornado and Poof! Nobody gets drops! (even though champs obviously don’t drop anything anyway, but that’s besides the point)

Of course this would easily be fixed with a TRUE auto loot ::cough cough:: ::hint hint::

RIP in peace Robert

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Yeah really, think of how kitten stupid bosses would be. Just get a bunch of knockbacks and send them off spartan style. Sure would look cool the first few times, but now there is no challenge. Bad idea, I suggest you invest time into learning the battlefields around these ledges/bridges before running into them (I believe you dislike the dredge base in Frostgorge where they have landmines on bridges that send you off.)

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: nthunberg.5318


Easily managed by making bosses immune to knock-backs. I totally agree with OP, if you can knock the monster back, it should be possible to knock it off a ledge.

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

I suggest you invest time into learning the battlefields around these ledges/bridges before running into them (I believe you dislike the dredge base in Frostgorge where they have landmines on bridges that send you off.)

I believe you don’t know me or my play style and therefore have no basis for telling me my suggestion/idea is bad/invalid. I believe that you saying I need to learn to play better is a lame argument that a lot of “1337” gamers use. I believe that if you want to provide a substantial reason why you are against the idea instead of pointing the blame at me being unable to “learn” you might have gotten a more agreeable response instead of a retort.

Have a nice day.

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Victory.2879


Bad idea. How will you get your loot if it fell to it’s death? If it falls out of range and regens HP, also bad.

Never had a problem with it- just don’t fight mobs that have knockbacks etc next to an edge that you can fall off of.

I love being able to knock players off ledges etc, it’s a great part of wvw play.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Completely unfair physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: domxnik.1453


I suggest you invest time into learning the battlefields around these ledges/bridges before running into them (I believe you dislike the dredge base in Frostgorge where they have landmines on bridges that send you off.)

I believe you don’t know me or my play style and therefore have no basis for telling me my suggestion/idea is bad/invalid. I believe that you saying I need to learn to play better is a lame argument that a lot of “1337” gamers use. I believe that if you want to provide a substantial reason why you are against the idea instead of pointing the blame at me being unable to “learn” you might have gotten a more agreeable response instead of a retort.

Have a nice day.

He pretty much gave his reason by saying “Yeah really, think of how kitten stupid bosses would be. Just get a bunch of knockbacks and send them off spartan style. Sure would look cool the first few times, but now there is no challenge.” Having this in the game would break it, in my opinion. If you know the enemy has a knock back, then don’t stand around anything you can get knocked off of.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger