Consolidate guesting posts

Consolidate guesting posts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Every day there are a ton more threads opened. PS i will be laughing my kitten off when they ban guesting. Then the high population server people will really be QQing. They won’t be able to guest to a low population server, and they won’t be able to stay out of the overflow on their own server.

Consolidate guesting posts

in Suggestions

Posted by: dani.1956


I’m from a small server and I get overflows , guess the “high population servers” are leeching events from here ! Ty for not beeing able to participate to events on MY SERVER !

Consolidate guesting posts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

There are only two problems.
—-1)Loot is grossly over scaled for the difficulty of the missions relative to the rest of the game.

2) The game engine can’t handle anywhere near an entire sever in one zone. I doubt it can handle much more than 200.

Problem 2 isn’t going to get fixed. The only way to fix the issue is to nerf the loot so not many people want to do them.

Consolidate guesting posts

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdgeorge.6839


Oh what a great suggestion!
“My suggestion… I’m seeing a lot of people making a similar suggestion… rather than doing anything about it, why don’t you just continue to ignore it?”

Guesting screws with far too many people on their native servers. I don’t want to have to play around server hopping trying to be able to do things, I just want to be able to play the game.