Conspiracy Keanu

Conspiracy Keanu

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Maybe Anet already knows about every change we want

Ó ,ò

but can’t get them done since other games have patented those features?


Conspiracy Keanu

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


?_? How is this a suggestion?

Playable Tengu please!

Conspiracy Keanu

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


It’s not, thank you very much, Captain.

After reading this forum for a while I couldn’t help but think that everything the community wants is some basic stuff.
Stuff that by all means should have been in the game since launch.
So I was left with 3 possibilities:

1) Anet didn’t know any better.
Very unlikely. It’s not like they are a team of random hobby game designers who made GW2 over the weekend.

2) Anet did it intentionally,
because they are all very angry nerds who just hate everything and gave us this broken product so they could laugh all the way to the bank, while we sit at home going “…and wtf is THIS NOW???” every 10 minutes when we bump into another bug or feature that needs to be improved. Also very unlikely.

3) Anet is waiting for permission to use/or buy “a feature patented” by some other game. This.


Still semi-seriously; the improvements players suggest here seem to be really easy stuff, something a company of this caliber could and should have avoided.

I mean, you don’t see any car companies introducing anything with square stones instead of round wheels, do you?