Controls and Gameplay asap fixes

Controls and Gameplay asap fixes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patu.9827


Gameplay and Controls are most important thing in game. With good controls, you control the game, not a game controlling you (for example emotions when game lagging because of controls). Good controls gives a natural and enjoyable gameplay.

Imo these couple things are pretty easy to fix? But when fixed, you will se the result, or actually – you dont – because all have become a natural – as it should be in a first place. Like there was an update when Right click taking target was came optional. These things below are similar to Right Click targeting issue.

1. More visual mouse pointer. Explained below in a link.

I have also wondered, if only mouse pointer was visible all time, that would help a much! So at least give an option to make mouse pointer visible all time. Option pls.

2. Its very hard to see in WvW battlefield when a Great Battle is going on – who is dead, and who is not dead. Because their names are shown as same.

Perhaps a gray colour would be much more helpier.

3. Clear Target button. There are many skills that dont need a target. But when you have chosen a target, it is very hard to unchoose it. Bindable, any button to cancel target would be very great and very handy.

4. Guild Commander Tag. Explained below. Kind of sad, that Targeting system is now used as a Commander tag, and one important system is down.

There is a Combat Mode thing, that you could use in GW2. I have heard that over 50k people uses that. For a reason i can imagine. I dont use it, because i like GW2 controls, but these things above, sometimes (very often actually) saddly ruins my gaming experience :/. Hope that a change will become soon!

Thank you!

Any others?!

Vaka Patu – Warrior – [TLA]

(edited by Patu.9827)

Controls and Gameplay asap fixes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patu.9827


These kind of things are still an issue.

5. Customable controls for any character. For example you may use different kind control buttons for different professional. So it would be handy if you just can save each controls to each character.

6. Wondering if there is some kind of solution for F button. Now it does different things – same button. Separate – as an option – would be nice.

Vaka Patu – Warrior – [TLA]