Convert boosters/single-use items to gems

Convert boosters/single-use items to gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: evlover.6270


In my opinion, the way daily rewards and black lion chests work could be up for some improvement. It’s very annoying to always get those boosters or single-use items that you never use. You end up disappointed that you didn’t get what you ’d like and the items end up in your bank to never come out again.

Since those boosters and single-use items are all buyable with gems, it’s easy to know their gem-value. So why not award the player with the gems according to the item/booster that they would get? (or let’s say half the gems since we ‘d be free to spend them on what we’d like)

Another idea would be to introduce a sell option to those items so they could be discarded for an amount of gems (again, maybe not the actual amount of gems you’d have to pay in the store but half of them).

That way, people wouldn’t stay behind with the feeling they’ve got something useless again and they could save up for something they’d like.

I’m just going to give the example of my situation: I don’t use any boosters (except for mf and rarely a karma one) and I don’t use the single-use items that I keep getting either (only trasmutation crystals). However, I have 8 characters and would like to give them all the same prefix (just easy example: dragon elementalist, dragon warrior, dragon XXX….). Since those namechange contracts cost 800 gems each, it would take me 6400 gems just to change the names. That’s quite some gold just to change a name. If, however, I could convert those boosters/single-use items to gems, I would be delighted to get any from a chest since it would bring me closer to my goal: achieving that amount of gems.

I’m sure that a lot of people feel the same way about this and maybe would like to change hair colour or character appearance rather than getting those boosters etc all the time.

I don’t know if any discussions about this are already up since it’s the first time I’ve got to the forums in my 1000+ hours of gameplay so sorry if there’s already a thread about it.

Cheers :-)

Convert boosters/single-use items to gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


especially when i get the stupid wvw/pvp boosters, which NEVER use and now i have to type out the whole bloody name every time i destroy them. yeah, i do not want them taking up bank space, and i have no alternatives? thanks, anet!

Convert boosters/single-use items to gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirian.8917


Great idea! I have a whole row of my bank taken up with boosters in the hope that one day I will be able to convert them to something I want to use xD

Occasionally I use the karma booster. I wouldn’t mind transmuting all my other boosters to karma boosters… but then again I’ve got one eye on a permanent hair stylist contract, so swapping a massive pile of boosters for one of those would be even better.