Costume Brawl Arena

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xegert.3102


For some people the constant contact to Costume Brawl is annoying…
So for that reason I suggest a special Arena for Costume Brawl. In that way the people that want nothing to do with Costume Brawl will not be confronted with it anymore.

People say that you can escape it by going elsewhere, but people can start Costume Brawl anywhere they want and that is wrong…
In order for all people to be happy. The Costume Brawlers get a special arena to brawl in and the people that hate or don’t like it aren’t confronted with it.

Fight to live, don’t live to fight.
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Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


No, I disagree. The costume brawl is a novelty and I have seen interest in it diminish dramatically.

As a person who used real cash to buy a Witch outfit I don’t want to see the ability of starting a brawl be nerfed. Besides most of the time no one even bothers to brawl when I try to start one. There is basically no reward to speak of.

If you are talking about LA that will be going away after Halloween. So no need to QQ about that.

At least on my server I rarely see brawling anywhere except in LA.

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xegert.3102


To actually say… I get sick from being to close to all those disgusting 2D images and the annoying sounds… and the fact remains that it can be started anywhere they want… People that want to enjoy the special events but can’t stand being around Costume Brawl… You suggest to them that they stay away from the event at all then? All people should get the chance to enjoy events… And if Costume Brawl hinders those people it is easier to make a special arena for Costume Brawl so it isn’t done near Holliday Event key areas.

Fight to live, don’t live to fight.
Truth will never die out…

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Costume brawl is a fun event that you can start with friends or strangers anywhere. In a world which is getting very deserted except in a few concentrated areas, a little bit of action is nice.

Besides it gets boring fast so most brawls don’t last long. Just move away for a while if it bothers you so much. Do you want to spoil everybodys fun everywhere in the entire GW2 world just because YOU don’t like it in that specific location you are at?

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: kileen.7906


So Ninja, what you try to tell is, take away all the fun, for those people who don’t like it. Just because you have payed for a witch costume?
What Xegert asks for is not that it has to stop, but he asks for a special place where it can be done, like people who don’t like PVP and WvW don’t have to be bothered by it. But then for Costume brawlers!

If you and your friends really want to do it, you can then join all those others who want to do it to. That way nobody is annoyed by it. And don’t think that because you have payed for a costume that gives you all the right to annoy others.
I have a Witch costume to, the costume is a very cool look, but personally I get sick of the costume Brawling. And then I mean physically sick. I have a very mild form of light epilepsy, I can play the game even the events! Because the flashes are rather limited. With the flashing cartoon stuff of the costume brawlers my eyes get complete out of focus, and I had to vomit a few times because of it.

Also the fact, that you say you can avoid it, is completely untrue! I like doing the events also, but people who like doing them are completely overwhelmed with the extreme brawling that is going on in LA at the moment. Its not because of the fun of a few, you need to ruin the game for those who hate it. And I can assure you there are a lot more of those then those who like it!

And about the costume, OK you did buy it, but so did a lot of people like me, who hate the brawling. Also by making areas for it, you will have even more fun. At least don’t allow it at places where you need to wait for events, or in such a central area like LA. Everybody needs to pass LA lots of times, at-least keep that neutral! Else you gonna loose a lot of players because of it. It is way to much.
When your a new player and come into an area like that, and you don’t know the game, your first impression will be that you don’t understand whats going on. With the result you log out and never on again. And we all want more players.
If I had to start Guild Wars in a area like LA is now, I log out and never come back!

Now you gonna respond, you just don’t come to LA then, well I was not in LA for days, because the terrible headaches I get from it.

Killeen Night

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xegert.3102


I just say… in Guild Wars 1 there were special arenas with several maps for costume brawl…
All I ask is that they do the same here
There are a number of people against Costume Brawl…
Even if it is just a quarter of the total players…
Are they less important then the people that like Costume Brawl? No is the answer… In order to make everybody happy I simply ask that there are special arenas for Costume Brawl like in Guild Wars 1.

Fight to live, don’t live to fight.
Truth will never die out…

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


I was very dissapointed with the GW2 costume brawl. It’s boring, the GW1 costume brawl was the most exciting PvP match they had.

That said, the MOBA test was a great kill over until a better PvP match happens.

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


Yea, an arena would be nice… different skills would be nice too.. I wish it were more like the Dragon Arena and required more skill.. or maybe I’m doing it wrong.. I got the mad king outfit and just walk into a group of brawlers and spam 2 and 3.

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: kileen.7906


Can I play the devils advocate Ninja?
At line 1 you write this.
“Costume brawl is a fun event that you can start with friends or strangers anywhere.’

The next line you write the following!
“Besides it gets boring fast so most brawls don’t last long.”

I don’t know, but something that is really fun, don’t bores fast! When I find something fun, I can do it for hours and it never gets boring. Hitting friends and strangers with the same skills over and over again, really bores fast! I agree to that, especially when there is no real way to see who is actually wining it. But hey thats just me. Maybe there are kids here who only are able to use 2 skills.

But nobody here ever ask to take it out! Lets be clear about that. In fact keep it in constant, but in special arenas for those who like it. That makes it even more fun for you, because then you don’t need to stay on those empty parts you seem to hate so much!

I myself am a role player, when a part is empty it is part of the world I play in. Having the 2 d cartoon crap all over the world really ruins the experience for me. I fully agree with the people who like to do it, in fact concentrating it to arenas will make it more easy to find. Nobody of us want to take away your fun! But its you who want to take away the fun out of the game for those who don’t like it. Or the people like me who get a real life headache from it and get really sick from it. I want to give you permanent Costume Brawling Ninja, not just for an event just in limited areas.

Costume Brawl Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xegert.3102


Also.. outside of the Arenas the skills the toys of the costumes have no longer start brawls… Only when you are in the Arena should they have Brawl effects.

Fight to live, don’t live to fight.
Truth will never die out…