Costume or Hat Maker NPC

Costume or Hat Maker NPC

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pazuzu.6578


This is mainly a suggestion for Anet, not just for holidays but also for the gem store items. I’d love to see a system in place like in Guild Wars where after you buy a costume or a hat that you can delete it if you don’t have enough space in your inventory and easily reclaim your purchase or your holiday hat by talking to the NPC who will make it free of charge or for a very small charge of like 1 silver. Another possible system that could be very appreciated would be to make all of the town clothes items collectible and create another tab in collections dealing with town clothes. That way there’s avoided inventory problems so that years down the road people don’t have 20 spaces filled with holiday hats they don’t want to delete since they can’t get them back. Please implement something along these lines!

Costume or Hat Maker NPC

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I had not thought of this, but I have to agree to this suggestion.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Costume or Hat Maker NPC

in Suggestions

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


This would be great as already with the amount of items avaliable storage is going to be a problem with Winterdays Day event coming up soon and no telling what others.

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Costume or Hat Maker NPC

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdg.8462


Costume\Hat NPC was a great idea in GW1 and it would be great in GW2. But I doubt it will happen because it would take just that much pressure off of spending real money to buy gems to buy more inventory space.