Craftable Endgame armor

Craftable Endgame armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


Hi, i have an idea similar to Ascended gear (which is getting a lot of hate lately)

but what if we could craft gear (after exotics) that are another tier of weapon/armor that allows us to pick and choose each of the bonuses on our weapon by completing the fractal dungeons and obtaining specific bonus gems that we slot into the armor in the mystic forge to craft a final piece of armor?
Not only will this introduce more gear variety in the game (since each combination would need a name prefix… 3x however many bonuses there are available) but players would have a real motivation to obtain end-game gear past exotics other than just armor skins.

The bonuses would not have to be higher than what is currently available on exotics, just customizable.

for example, i would really love to have Condition/Vitality/Toughness for my necromancer or
Healing Power/ Vitality/ Toughness

for armor..
We already transmute armor a lot in endgame and it would be really cool to run fractals for specific gems (minor and major gems for the major bonus or two minor ones)

Craftable Endgame armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zemarca.6218


I totally agree, there must be some way to make a progression through crafting and gathering than adding this agony mechanic.