[Crafting] Display Discovered Items for the resource you are using to discover

[Crafting] Display Discovered Items for the resource you are using to discover

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I know you can go look at your list of craft-able items and then come back to discovery to see what you can discover. But i thought it would be nice to if i drag a Lapis Luzil out onto the discovery it would show me below the pain, all the items i discovered for lapis luzil. That way i can see if the 2 last things left are the a ring or a necklace etc.

Maybe this is overkill for most. But i’m a very visual person. Maybe there isnt’ space for it, but i think this could be done with the proper User Experience designer working on it.

[Crafting] Display Discovered Items for the resource you are using to discover

in Suggestions

Posted by: kylania.6924


I really dislike the times when you drag two items and it says “1 recipe found – add more”, add what more? Some method in game of finding a valid recipe other than a wiki search or just randomly finding things would be good.

Then again I can’t keep find enough stuff to discover what i need to make much less other things I don’t need.

[Crafting] Display Discovered Items for the resource you are using to discover

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I still want it to be vague enough to make you really think about it. But i just like the thought of seeing what you have already discovered…when i’m leveling up my skill i dont remember if it’s the ring or the amulet i have left to discover for a particular gem.

As i said before i know it’s easy just to go to the craft tab on the left, but this is just the same thing in a more visual and organized state.