Crafting Panel Request for Arenanet

Crafting Panel Request for Arenanet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinasazi.9072


Seriously, love what you’ve done with this game. And crafting is actually fun. Also, thanks for the ability to craft from collections. One itsy bitsy request though: pretty, pretty please extend the crafting pain just a wee bit so that the names of items on the side panel are legible and not just “Ravaging gloves of…”

Things with longer names run off the panel and I cant see the full name or the quantity I am able to craft as a result.

Many many thanks for the obvious amounts of love and care your team has put into GW2.

Crafting Panel Request for Arenanet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Selein.5237


I completely agree and have one request to add into it. Can we please have the crafting panel remember which categories we’ve collapsed since last we opened it. Just a quality of life thing