Crafting system restructure
This would be really cool. I would definately like to make pure magic find gear, just to see if it does anything useful.
The only problem as I see it is there are at best 8 different types of fine mats. Are there only 8 types of buffs? It also doesn’t account for exotic recipes which include ectoplasm for the inscription.
Though I suppose in that case you could buy the recipe for the exotic inscription and in order to make that you would use an ectoplasm then combine that with the mats. Though it would also drastically reduce the goldsink value for those recipes, since they have to be purchased. It also doesn’t account for jewelry which uses a different set of mats, of which there are only seven.
(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)
If we assume things like Condition Duration and Boon Duration are left to special event items (candy corn, snowflakes, etc.) and agony resistance only to FotM items, that leaves:
Power, Precision, Toughness, Vitality, Critical Damage, Condition Damage, Healing Power and Magic Find.
There are eight types of tiered fine crafting materials, and eight types of tiered rare (think lodestones) crafting materials.
True, jewellery crafting would need some tweaking, another gem type would have to be introduced, or some untiered crafting materials could be used (karka shells, passion flowers) to fill in the gaps.
To make an exotic item, just move the ectoplasm requirement to the final stage. Most, if not all, craftable items require three parts at the end stage (eg. sword: blade, hilt, inscription), so it wouldn’t be any trouble to simply add 5 ectoplasms for the finishing touch.