Crazy Animations

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maldeneth.3529


I would imagine that I can’t be the only one with this opinion but…ARENANET you must create an option that tones down other player animations…I mean its just crazy, when there’s more then 5 people on a target, both pvp and pve, the animations are insane. It’s just one big glowing ball. I can no longer see boss/player animations which are crucial to react too. This is the same on both max/minimum graphical setting….Please do something about this.

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: DusK.3849


The correct term you’re looking for is “particles”, not “animations.”

This is an idea I can’t really say I’m opposed to, even though it really doesn’t both me, mainly because I’m not new to particle-heavy action games and I don’t game on a toaster. Turning the flash off would really be more of a taste thing.

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Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theta Zero.9023

Theta Zero.9023

I would agree with lowering this on lower graphics settings. I don’t personally have a problem with this (and come on, 3+ meteor storms going at once is always fun) but the sheer amount of objects and particles must be taxing on lower end systems.

Don’t change this overall, just add a particle rendering cap option. (if that makes sense)

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Starscream.6498


A “particle rendering” option would just disable them and completely cripple you since you don’t know what’s being thrown around.

Strangely enough I see a lot of complaints about this but I haven’t encountered this problem myself. Hopefully I won’t.

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Do we really need this?
Both melee and ranged, I have no clue at all what’s going on.

If Arena Net won’t do something about this (in which case, shame on you), is there anything we players can do? Turning off Post Processing helps, but barely enough. Could we create Texmod add-on to make more simple particle effects? Even auto-attack animations are way too strong.

Is there anything we can do? Please help, the game is not enjoyable like this. Even when I’m on my own against one enemy, the animations are too strong to see what’s going on.

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: J Allin.7690

J Allin.7690

I agree. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve lost my mouse pointer for several seconds, during a frenetic boss fight, sometimes resulting in my death.

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


I agree. It’s very hard to keep track of what the boss is doing. It’s important to know the enemy’s animations to prepare to dodge a devastating attack, but it’s hard to do that when there are 5-10 particle effects happening at the same time.

The particle effects are beautiful, but I think the issue is that some of them are too large. My greatsword (guardian) slice particles are 4x the length/width of the enemy I’m slicing. Top on 4 other party member’s spell effects and the enemy is just a glowing ball of fire/smoke/slices/lighting/wtf.

I’d love to have an ingame option to decrease their effects/size/opacity or to do the same for effects that belong to everyone except me.