Cross-class Armor Transumutation
Definitely. I wear medium temple armor and managed to get it to look nice but I hate the arms shoulders and boots because they take away from the icy theme I am working with.
I do wish you could swim in your town clothes (but not fight in them; that’s another discussion.)
I’m glad armor types are restricted into weight classes. I know it’s frustrating if you have a particular piece or set you like that your class can’t wear, but I like that they provide another point of distinction to the three weight classes. You might just want a piece or two, but you know you’re going to start seeing plate armor on casters and ornamental dresses on soldiers as soon as it’s an option.
Some people won’t mind that, naturally, and it’s definitely a matter of opinion, but, personally, I prefer it if armor says restricted by weight class. By and large, I just think it’s going to look better, and it helps me size up other players more easily at a glance.
By and large, I just think it’s going to look better,
I blame horrible dye choices for that one in particular. ;P
I blame horrible dye choices for that one in particular. ;P
I have tried looking good with different dyes on emblazoned and I keep coming to the conclusion that I look like a bell.
Sadly I don’t ever want to see armor be able to transmute to other weight classes. When I am in WvW and I see someone in Light/medium/heavy armor I want to be able to get an idea of what they are. I don’t need a thief poping out and sticking me in the back because I thought it was a Elementalist at first.
…Belle = beautiful?
But, in seriousness, there’s a reason I said “by and large,” and it’s a matter of opinion. I actually think Emblazoned armor looks okay, bell-shape and all, but that’s really not the point, which is that I’d rather not see light and heavy classes wearing it.
By and large, I just think it’s going to look better,
Emblazoned armor is hideous with every color combination, to me anyway.
~Sincerely, Scissors
While I understand why people might be against this I would love it! I am almost never happy with the armour choices for my sylvari ranger as the long coats, pants and boots cover up almost all of her glow I would love to see her dressed up in some of the skirts and tops available to the other weight classes
Personally I think the problem with armor is more of an issue of the lack in variety. With a few exceptions light is all skirts and tailcoats, medium is all trench coats, and heavy is solid plates.
Having a bit more variety with in the armor types would solve issue a lot of people have with wanting their necro look different then their ele, or not wanting all their medium classes have trench coats. While at the same time pvp and wvw people still can differentiate between them by glance (once they learn/recognize the new armors) . Plus people who think necros shouldn’t wear heavy armor or warriors shouldn’t be in a robe will be happy too.
Some ideas to add new skins into the game without having to buy them with gems could be to make each temple armor look different. In order to adjust for the new skins it could be similar to how they had us choose our stats when magic find changed. For example let’s say all the Balthazar armor changed appearance, those that had it before the change could choose from keeping the old look or switching to the new look (one time choice).
(edited by Shades.4572)