Please, for the love of all that is good, bring back culling or at least make a way to set for culling that actually works and doesn’t crash the game every time we try to adjust it.
I speak merely for myself and my guildies, some of whom have really nice computers (as in, they were just built or upgraded specifically to try to handle the game with culling removed…and fail). Apparently whether a computer is brand new or a couple years old we still have lag issues and crash issues with the high number of character models we’re being forced to load. I cannot go above minimum settings ever since culling was removed and most of the new players who are friends or guildies now complain daily about how culling needs to be put into effect (and we mostly laugh and say that Anet broke the game by removing culling to try to impress them or something…when clearly it’s the greatest irritant that there isn’t culling now). We assume this is part of the issue with Frostgorge crashing every 1-5 minutes and it’s really irritating that even people with nice computers and highest settings can only see the bland WvW “crash test dummy” models about 99% of the time ever since the culling was removed. The removal of culling has made the game graphically lower quality than pretty much anything I’ve played since 8-bit because you cannot view ANY detail anymore – when I try (with a computer that meets your minimum requirements) the game typically crashes. When people with totally tricked out brand new computers try, they tell me that they still get pretty much only crash test dummies in pretty terrain. Don’t get me wrong, pretty terrain is great…but we never had to look at crash test dummies before PvE culling was removed…whether at highest or lowest settings.
lol = make the player models as small as the shrink effect on engineers….less pixels, and i can REALLY stomp people ;3