(edited by Malcastus.6240)
[Cultural Armorsmith] Price reduction!?
Rather than reducing the price of tier 3, I’d rather see them turned into exotics.
Or both, nothing like having 2 panels – one for cheaper rare, one for more expensive exotic. And the same can be done to Tier 2 armor for that matter.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
The t3 cultural armor is the only armor in the game that requires a bit of work to get. This has been discussed since the beginning of the game and it would be highly unfair to everyone who bought t3 if they ever reduced the price. The price remains as high as it is because it is a gold sink and it gives people something to work towards.
Work for it or don’t get it, its completely optional. Good luck.
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
Cultural armor is there for prestige.
It means you have to work for it.
No work, no cultural armor. What is hard about that?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
If it was there for pretige only, it would be skin instead of armor with stats attached. If it was of exotic nature, the price would make sense.
Unfair or not, it should not put a stop to change. I only used my option to voice my thoughts on the matter, which is everyones right.
Being condescending doesn’t help (Jrunyon and runeblade), but I suppose that is how you like to appear. It will get you far in life, surely.
Lets see if we can’t keep it civil.
“Gold Sinks” in this game far outstrip gold supply.
So untrue.
Those factors you listed have so very little impact on gold-supply.
Gold can be produced at alarming rates simply by farming trash mobs and dungeons that drop whites/blues/greens that sell for a tidy-profit. People are constantly selling trash items to NPCs, and there’s no diminished returns on that.
While the Cultural Armor should be exotic to match the price, it is only because the price was a poor match to the item-tier from the beginning.
It has nothing to do with gold-sinks. It sickens me to see players constantly try to debunk the “gold sink” concept any way they can.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
They should never have converted it from karma to gold…biggest mistake ever >.>
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
So, it has been karma before? I looked at the three tiers of weapon karma vendors, and wondered why cultural armor had a gold price.
if at least they were exotics since some of them have pretty stats per say, the price would be worthy, you buy the set and you have an alternative stat set… instead the way it is now, you buy the set and than you add a expensive exotic set to use it with… meh
Join the Rainbow Pride
“Gold Sinks” in this game far outstrip gold supply.
So untrue.
Those factors you listed have so very little impact on gold-supply.
Gold can be produced at alarming rates simply by farming trash mobs and dungeons that drop whites/blues/greens that sell for a tidy-profit. People are constantly selling trash items to NPCs, and there’s no diminished returns on that.While the Cultural Armor should be exotic to match the price, it is only because the price was a poor match to the item-tier from the beginning.
It has nothing to do with gold-sinks. It sickens me to see players constantly try to debunk the “gold sink” concept any way they can.
/shrug. True for me since nothing I can do in this game, on my account, produces an “alarming” amount of gold. Or a “modest” amount either.
I’ve played MMOs for 10 years. Among them were SWG and EQ2, so I don’t need lectures on mudflation or the need for gold sinks. What I do need is a reasonable way to earn income, pay the sinks, and have a modest gain in my bank. That isn’t happening. I cannot visualize having 30 gold to pay for anything.
And.. enlighten me. You state that “alarming” amounts of gold can be had by selling drops, including trash loot, and yet maintain that the two factors I listed, DR and overall poor drop rates, don’t effect that? How do I sell items I don’t get? I’m trying to wrap my logic around that one.
And.. enlighten me. You state that “alarming” amounts of gold can be had by selling drops, including trash loot, and yet maintain that the two factors I listed, DR and overall poor drop rates, don’t effect that? How do I sell items I don’t get? I’m trying to wrap my logic around that one.
You never get loot from drops? Dam poor man, I mean i know exotics and rares don’t drop too often, but no drops at all? …. Just because an item is white, blue or green means you can’t sell it? You get a lot of them and they all start to add up, yes farm fotm and you can make fast money easily same with most other dungeons.
I took a break shortly after new years after spending 30g on 3 character slots (while it was on the new years deal) which took me to around 175g and started playing again around the 20th-28th and now have around 215g. That’s been from form, dungeos, wvw and doing my daily each day, I play normally for 3-4 hours max a day (if that). So I’ve managed to earn about 40g just playing the game. Now if I can do it, I don’t see why the rest of you moan about it. Oh, and I also spent 130g on getting my T3 for my warrior and just to put it out there, I have never “farmed” this game nor have I ever played the TP for money. Every single copper of my money has been from playing the game, not spending 5 hours farming a single event because i’m so money hungry I don’t even care about the game or having fun.
My suggestion is to lower the costs of cultural armor on all three tiers, mostly on tier 3 as it has the steepest price increase. Or, have the option to make it available for karma points.
- Tier 1 (level 35): Price range: 34 silver – 80 silver
The chestpiece has the same price as level 76-78 exotics on TP. Dare I say an outrageous price for a level 35 item of rare quality?
- Tier 2 (level 60): Price range: 80 silver – 2 gold
A more or less even rise in price compared to tier 1 and its level, yet the value is still that of a rare item that many would not even consider buying.
- Tier 3 (level 80): Price range: 12 gold – 30 gold
Now it becomes unrealistically expensive. You can easily purchase an entire exotic set for 30 gold pieces alone. I must remind you that two items are 12 gold, two are 20 gold, one is 25 gold, and the last 30 gold. The increase from tier 2 to tier 3 is especially steep.
I can understand that their only real value is a one time skin change if I am not mistaken, but people do change garbs, if not having several sets, which in the end makes it incredibly expensive. The price is just insane in comparison to other aestheticical options, and you need to purchase transmutation stones on top of that.
Would it not be a fair suggestion to lower the prices on cultural armor in general? That, or making it available through karma?
P.S. When choosing a male character wearing light armor, there are very few good looking sets. Female variants are much more appealing for some reason, as well as medium and heavy armor, which in general look amazing. Just a personal dream that male, light armor would be looked with a cricial eye. Even the gem bought set is silly for male light armor. I hope you will think about the suggestions, Anet. Thank you.
I would welcome more input on the matter!
good idea i think it should be
Tier 1 (level 35): Price range: 1 gold
Tier 2 (level 60): Price range: 5 gold
Tier 3 (level 80): Price range: 32 gold
The t3 cultural armor is the only armor in the game that requires a bit of work to get. This has been discussed since the beginning of the game and it would be highly unfair to everyone who bought t3 if they ever reduced the price. The price remains as high as it is because it is a gold sink and it gives people something to work towards.
Work for it or don’t get it, its completely optional. Good luck.
I don’t like the idea of “work” they laid out for us though. I have to sort of agree with OP but I don’t think a price drop or allowing karma to buy it solves the issue. Working on gold isn’t work, its a cc + selling gems away to some. There should of been more depth in getting cultural armor as well as legendaries but, some things just can’t come together so quickly.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Know what, I’m sick of people telling me how much MY chars loot, when I am the one playing them, and know.
1300+ posts. But WE. I’m stupid, and don’t even know what my own chars loot, or how much they loot. It’s like the guy who told me I wasn’t getting loot, soloing, because I wasn’t tagging the mob.
I deleted my posts. No point. I give up. I make 5834 gold per day, and mobs catapult loot at me when zone in. Nothing in game is overpriced, I roll in gold like Scrooge McDuck. I don’t have t3 cultural simply because I can’t rip my grind happy, basement dwelling, no life, no fun, instant gratification entitled self away from looting long enough to buy it cause I might miss a porous bone.
Happy Now?
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)