Cultural T3 > Flamekissed Vendor Swap
you could at least give people with that cultural armor an option to trade in their current armor for the new look if they want it.
But then they won’t be able to take your money!
~Sincerely, Scissors
you could at least give people with that cultural armor an option to trade in their current armor for the new look if they want it.
But then they won’t be able to take your money!
True, what was I thinking?
I don’t even have T3 on my human character and yet this seems wrong to me :/
Still, gonna cave in and buy it I guess. gg anet. -_-
Ah.. not that they ever check the suggestion forums anyway. Heh.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
let’s say you buy a new car today. next week that company/manufacturer releases a new version of that car. Now you go back to your dealer and request a trade in because there’s a new version of that car around? Interesting, lemme know how that works out for ya :d
Thats actually how i thought it worked when i first saw somone in it. Silly me thought that she traded hers in for the newer vrison, boy was i wrong.
I really hope they do something about this, either make it so we can other races armor or don’t give them any cultural armor at all.
I worked far to hard for my ranger t3 to see it get better looking and to be sold cheaper to everyone else unless i can get the better looking version for trade.
Hopefully this just means they’ve figured out how to skin cultural armors onto other races. So maybe we’ll see gem store versions of the other culturals that are wearable on all races.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I don’t terribly mind this. Like Seras said, it could just be that they could be releasing cultural armor for all races. Which isn’t terrible to be honest. Better versions of existing cultural armor won’t be bad at all.
I just hope that this reskinning thing doesn’t become a hard habit. I really would rather them give us new armor entire than reskins.