Custom BGM

Custom BGM

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liniont.3679


There was a mod a long time ago for WoW that allowed me the ability to set my own music for each zone. I used Final Fantasy and other video game music for the mod and set it to specific zones.

For instance, if the mod were available through FMOD I would change the name of
“Balamb Garden” from FF8 to Divinity’s Reach or “Breezy” from FF8 to Queensdale. This would allow the game to pull from the music list and play the music the corresponds to the zone or event.

such as, going in caves, battle, boss battle, etc

I would like to specify one track for each Zone and then have sub-tracks for areas within the Zone and when my character zones the tracks change and repeat accordingly. For events like fights I’d probably only have Boss battles on because regular battles occur to frequently.

If this can already be done please tell me how, otherwise allow me the opportunity to spice up the game environments with better BGM because the current music gets old and repetitive and I just find myself turning the music off all together.

Add this and I will love you long time!

Custom BGM

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcqe.6734


go to documents, gw2 file, music.

for a more detailed explanation, read here:

usually somewhere

Custom BGM

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liniont.3679


Is there a way to get more specific though like Ambient – Queensdale – Breezy?