Custom Chat Channels

Custom Chat Channels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brass.7042


I think setting up a custom chat channel system like may other MMORPGs have would be really fun, convenient, and solve some problems guild representation makes for groups of friends. If you want to chat with a group of people in your PvP guild, but represent your PvE guild while doing so, currently you’re left out in the cold. Custom chat channels would change that.
They’d also help streamline mapchat – instead of having to sift through other people’s convos to get your updates on events, someone could make a custom channel to either get only event updates or to contain the miscellaneous chatter. They work great on other MMOs, no reason to think they wouldn’t work here.
It seems like a relatively easy thing to implement, with big benefits.

Custom Chat Channels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leodious.5671


They are easy to implement, and they would have huge benefits. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why this was not implemented at release. I would have thought that was an obvious thing to include in any AAA MMO. There are so many reasons to have custom chat channels, and really no reason not to. Have custom global channels opens up so many options for the game community. Such as simple thing that can do such wonderful things for a community is and should be expected.

There are several threads about this issue. And what might bother me most is that I have looked into this multiple times since release, and while I have found many players asking about this, I have never seen an ArenaNet employee respond. At this point, I would just like to know that they are even aware how people feel about this.

There are many others, as well, and some on GW2Guru also. Many people just assume you can, ask how to do it, and are shocked when they find out it isn’t possible.