Customizable animations (all sorts of).

Customizable animations (all sorts of).

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


Cash-shop exclusive. Cosmetic, with no extra bonuses other than making the player look unique.

Picture the following:

Trails: When the player walks by, s/he leaves a trail of (something), just like the legendary weapons. But this time, It will be around everytime, with every weapon.

Trails of:
Pink butterflies
Hands coming from the ground (?)

Auras: Lighting, sparkling things that stays around the character.

Auras of:
Dark aura (Like the necro elite one)
“Nature” (Roots envelop the character’s body)
Flying butterflies

Different skill animations! Um… yeah, at this rate you already know how It works, but I’ll say again. It replaces a skill particle/weapon/animation/whatever with something new. Like, Warrior GS leap. At the end of the skill, several butterflies pops out of the sword. Or shades comes out of It screaming In terror. Or…. well, you get the idea.

Skill animations of:
(Everything I already said up there.)

Character walking/jumping/etc animations! Walk as a zombie! Jump as a basketball player! Attack as a drunken master! Stuff like that.

All right, this ends my suggestion. If you have readed this far: Thanks! Please do leave a comment and anything that may enhance this suggestions. Thank you.

Customizable animations (all sorts of).

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


Might as well give this a bump. I don’t see any harm on implement this whatsoever. I don’t mind negative criticism either, so go ahead and do your thing.

Customizable animations (all sorts of).

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaith.9132


Was googling weapons with trails (cause I noticed some cultural weapons have them too) and found this. I love the idea. It would have to be something equip-able however. And another fear I’d have is players running on something other than a top-end PC. If this were implemented, it would be popular, and I can only imagine the havoc on our video cards if everyone in LA was running around spawning butterflies…. I really want butterflies now

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Customizable animations (all sorts of).

in Suggestions

Posted by: DinoDoll.3682


please no auras or trails >.<
bleh, i have a high end comptuer and i /still/ wouldn’t want to see every other person sparkling butterflies or spewing a trail of hearts behind them.

Bleck. If something like that was implemented i would hope there would be a setting that allowed me to /not/ display the auras/trails/spewage of other players.

the unique/special animations idea i think is a neat one though.

Customizable animations (all sorts of).

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Kittens! I want kittens! And if there are trails, I want the option to turn them off!

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