Cyanide pill for the downed state

Cyanide pill for the downed state

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gennadios.8407


The down state has wasted more of my time than saved it thus far in general PvE.

I tend to find myself in white either in the really secluded skill chanllenges where the spawn mobs have low overall damage but with too many hitpoints to even bother with the downed state, or jumping puzzles and misc DEs with knockback mobs knocking me off of ledges, leaving with with quarter HP due to fall damage, and then getting me killed by the one mob that happens to be nearby in short order.

Nobody will break away from a jumping puzzle to or backtrack through the multi tier platforms, said platforms have a nasty habit of being populated by Charr or Krait, and those things seem to exist to suck the fun out of the game, players stay away unless there’s a vista or a chest at the top.

TL:DR; Please have a method to go directly from downed to dead, or at least give us the option to waypoint as soon as the downed state begins. There are too many unwinnable situations to make the downed state helpful in many cases.

Cyanide pill for the downed state

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


just introduce a cyanide pill item that you can buy and use then. Though it could encourage suicide and someone would end up suing arena net.