Daily Achievements should be during *MY* day

Daily Achievements should be during *MY* day

in Suggestions

Posted by: AbsoluteKeenan.8162


Daily Achievements ought to be the full day of the player’s real time and NOT begin and end during the player’s day.

For example, I’m in Central Time. I get home and able to play from about 5:30pm until 8pm. The Daily Achievements ends for me at 7pm! If it were truly daily, I’d have until midnight-MY time.

I am often frustrated by missing the Daily Achievement by a few Harvests, or one Event.

Daily Achievements should be during *MY* day

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


you do realize that it doesn’t make a difference, and you’ll still have 24 hours to complete it, right? if it starts in the middle of the day for you, then you’ll have the other middle of the day, plus the first middle of the day after to complete it.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Daily Achievements should be during *MY* day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


Yeah but it would be more difficult, I mean instead or resseting all dailies at the same time, it’d have to do it individually for each account.
Besides, even if they were to do it how would the server get the info on what time it is where you are? from your computer’s time?…way too exploitable I would think. Or maybe from your ip adress? what about proxies…

Idk, can’t see your suggestion as plausible…

Daily Achievements should be during *MY* day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Like Bruno said, everyone has 24 hours to complete a daily making when the daily resets irrelevant.