Daily Challenges - dailies on steroids

Daily Challenges - dailies on steroids

in Suggestions

Posted by: gandlethorpe.2641


There is a lot of great content in the game that is ignored because of the pitiful reward compared to other content that is arguably of lesser quality. A big example is jumping puzzles, many of which are extremely well-done and enjoyable. However, after the first time, there is not much reason to do them again, since the rewards don’t match up with the effort required to do them. It’s disheartening to spend a lot of time and effort making precision jumps, then seeing people in a starting zone making way more gold than you by repeatedly killing low level champions.

It would be great if there were something to encourage people to do less popular content, similar to daily achievements but more focused and requiring a bit more time investment. These “Daily Challenges” would offer players more engaging alternatives to grindy, repetitive content (like champion trains) with competitive rewards. For example:

  • Complete every jumping puzzle
  • Kill 60 unique champions
  • Visit every zone without waypointing

Upon completion, players should be able to choose from different rewards, like flat gold, X amount of Y material, karma, gear, or even gem store items. Of course, rewards are ultimately up to ANet, but they should ideally be worth the time and effort of completing a challenge.

Anyway, just a rough concept of how to get people to do more of the content and explore the zones that are vastly underappreciated.

Daily Challenges - dailies on steroids

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I would be so down for a daily challenge like this, sounds like a lot of fun.

Only issue though is for the ever so liked topic of achievement points and how it’s impossible for new players to catch up do to all the missed dailies and living story content. So if they even considered adding this they would have to keep that in mind.

A solution could be to have a cap on the daily achievements which would include th dailies and the daily challenge. That way they can still reward 5-10ap for the daily challege, but it would be capped with the dailies at 10 ap so that a huge ap gap doesn’t come of this new addition between those that have the time to do these (ppl who play 8hrs a day) and those who don’t.

Daily Challenges - dailies on steroids

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tman.6349


Another solution would be that the challenges have nothing to do with AP and more to do with tangible rewards for this kind of content. The idea/delusion that anyone who puts less time/effort into playing the game should be equally rewarded/prestiegeous as those who invest much more is an absurd sense of entitlement IMO. But that’s a seperate issue.