Daily Dodger - easy fix!
It’s still a huge problem.
I play a ranger a lot, it’s my favorite. If any enemy ever even targets me, I’m playing my profession wrong. Getting hit is what the pet is for.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Some people may think I’m taking this a bit too far, but I would argue that if you can dupe enemies into hitting your pet instead of you, those should count as dodges too.
now dont played ranged more than to lvl 4-5 or so so cant comment there though to the original idea, it wouldn’t work, how would it handle a ground targeted aoe? (which is currently one of the best way to get dodges, how does the game know if you where its intended target? or ppl swinging sword etc at you without actually having you as target? i do that a LOT and really dodges is one of the easiest to get already, usually the first i complete
How often do you dodge during a complete play session? It’s not that hard if you’re not cheesekittening the mobs by ranging them where they can’t hit. If you’re fighting and not camping on your endurance 24/7, I don’t see how this could ever be a problem to complain about.
Just facking dodge!!
It’s still a huge problem.
I play a ranger a lot, it’s my favorite. If any enemy ever even targets me, I’m playing my profession wrong. Getting hit is what the pet is for.
Probably why people have a stigma against Rangers. I doubt the pet was meant to be used as a crutch.
Personally, this suggestion, while good, is kind of pointless.
We’re supposedly getting the ability to choose what we want in our own dailies soon.
And the simplest solution to the problem with the new horrible daily is to just remove them, and go back to the old daily that anyone could complete easily in half an hour.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Personally, this suggestion, while good, is kind of pointless.
We’re supposedly getting the ability to choose what we want in our own dailies soon.
And the simplest solution to the problem with the new horrible daily is to just remove them, and go back to the old daily that anyone could complete easily in half an hour.
NO PLEASE NO, I stopped doing the old dayli because it was the same stupid grind every day to do, now I actually have fun doing it because it is different each day. Sure we been through all the different objectives by now but at least they mix around sufficiently that it feels like new stuff each day
Go to wvw.
Roll thru aoe/arrow carts a few times.
Dodger done.
The problem with the new dailies is that most of them are stupidly favoring specific playstyles, professions, builds, etc…
For example, my group of friends and I are good, and play together.
Five days a week, the daily healer comes up. Revive 10 allies. That would mean everyone in my group of friends has to be downed at least twice, and some of them three times, or we waste time hunting around for dead npcs.
Three days a week, I waste materials crafting, when I’ve already maxed every craft on my character, and have everything I could ever want, made everything my friends could ever want for them.
Four days a week, I have to stop everything about how I play my ranger, jump in to melee range with a weapon I don’t like, and suck at the game enough to get 15 dodges.
Every Thursday, my friends and I have to stop what we’re doing, and go in to a town to see a Laurel Vendor.
Every monday and saturday, my friends and I are forced to go play underwater combat, which A-net still hasn’t quite fixed.
Veterans are ok, but annoying when you’re in the wrong place, or when people get to them faster than you.
Kills, kill variety, gatherer, events. Each of those can be done in the widest spectrum of areas. In and out of water, in any zone in the game. A lot of people had trouble with Kill Variety in Orr, but there were a wide enough variety of critters you could kill to finish it, and it was never all that hard if you knew where to look.
Now, every day of the week has at least two daily objectives that force me and my friends to do stop playing the game, and do something stupid.
As for the above suggestion about dodger. PvDoor is empty on most servers for a significant part of the day, and should never be suggested as a solution for anything. A-net simply needs to remove it from the game.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Honestly, I think “daily dodge” was the best daily they added. Too many people just run up and face tank trash because it always dies before they do. If you don’t have a hard coded habits of dodging general content, how can you succeed in end game content, WvW or PvP? This daily helps wake people up to actually dodging attacks.
Now for the people that dodge too early, note that this is DPS hurting in some cases. If you have to wait 1 second for the enemy attack before going back in, that’s 1 second you could have laid in a hit or two before rolling out. That adds up over time, and can be the difference of victory or defeat. Also, dodging into targets is another good tactic – just like that 1 second wait, by dodging through a target instead of away, you no longer have to run back to the target. Sometimes it can actually be a big difference as you can quickly start hitting again as that mob/foolish warrior lays out a 100B and you just cork him in the back.
Yes, there are people that can crutch against poor AI with kiting and pets never needing to dodge, but that doesn’t make this daily item broken – that means the AI needs improvement.
It’s not poor AI. I play with five people, and we know what we’re doing. The AI is fine, the fact that if you’re doing things right, only two people need to be dodging ever is the problem.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Five days a week, the daily healer comes up. Revive 10 allies. That would mean everyone in my group of friends has to be downed at least twice, and some of them three times, or we waste time hunting around for dead npcs.
Open world events. Dungeon NPCs. You don’t have to revive allies, NPCs go down often enough to supplement any of your allies going down. Swap in a revive skill every now and again. This speeds up the process.
There are also specific places on maps where NPCs are dead 24/7. Try the reactor in Metrica Province.
Three days a week, I waste materials crafting, when I’ve already maxed every craft on my character, and have everything I could ever want, made everything my friends could ever want for them.
This goes hand-in-hand with the daily gatherer. Just gather materials, refine them and sell them. What is wrong with you people?
Four days a week, I have to stop everything about how I play my ranger, jump in to melee range with a weapon I don’t like, and suck at the game enough to get 15 dodges.
This goes hand-in-hand with the daily gatherer. Just gather materials and DODGE enemies that try to hit you while doing so. Orr is perfect for this (lots of aggro and projectiles to dodge). If not that, mobs have projectiles…dodge them.
Every Thursday, my friends and I have to stop what we’re doing, and go in to a town to see a Laurel Vendor.
Every monday and saturday, my friends and I are forced to go play underwater combat, which A-net still hasn’t quite fixed.
This can go hand-in-hand with the daily gatherer. Just search for nodes in water, fight mobs you encounter and DODGE their moves. Refine the materials you craft later.
Veterans are ok, but annoying when you’re in the wrong place, or when people get to them faster than you.
Dungeons have plenty of Vets. Respawn timers are insane. You’re bound to come across an event or area where a Vet spawns if you don’t want to do Dungeons.
Kills, kill variety, gatherer, events. Each of those can be done in the widest spectrum of areas. In and out of water, in any zone in the game. A lot of people had trouble with Kill Variety in Orr, but there were a wide enough variety of critters you could kill to finish it, and it was never all that hard if you knew where to look.
Now, every day of the week has at least two daily objectives that force me and my friends to do stop playing the game, and do something stupid.
I dunno. Seems like you guys are just unimaginative. Some of these dailies you can do without even realizing you did them.
I agree that the way it currently works is less than intuitive. Requires you to wait longer than you might normally wait to avoid an attack (if I see an enemy wind up I’m gone right away, I don’t wait until a split-second before the attack lands).
However, I think its really the only way they can handle it because just getting out of the way of an attack probably isn’t really something the game records. The way it works now, the daily goes up as the game displays an “Evaded” message, which it does because its seeing an enemy hit you during an invulnerability period. Its a simple thing to have the game increase the “Daily Dodger” based on an evaded message being displayed.
The game isn’t seeing anything if you get out of the way in advance. And while they could probably add some extra programming to make it recognize that (If an enemy attacks but you take no damage, that counts as a dodge, for example), I can forsee a lot of problems popping up with that method, where the game can’t differentiate between an enemy attack that you just moved slightly to the left to avoid as opposed to actually dodging. They want to encourage actual dodging, not “kite a melee enemy a bit”. And multi-hit AoE abilities would give you a dozen dodges instantly for avoiding the attack in such a scenario.
As for Blind / Aegis…. I don’t think those should count toward the Daily. Those types of effects (as well as Block abilities, which I’ve also seen people suggest should count) are much easier to time since they tend to last 5+ seconds (for the effects) and 2-3 seconds for blocks, and so classes which have access to those effects in abundance would be able to complete the daily signifigantly easier than others if they counted. I don’t believe dailys should favor certain classes over others. Dodging is something that all classes have access to, and while some classes do have extra “evade” type attacks which I believe do count, they’re just as short and challenging to time as a regular dodge.
It’s not poor AI. I play with five people, and we know what we’re doing. The AI is fine, the fact that if you’re doing things right, only two people need to be dodging ever is the problem.
The AI is fine? When you can just walk in circles and never get hit? Or it just chews your pet because it’s closest? When it never cancels a long run move when runs? Hell, we need flying dragons, more teleporting mobs to anti-kite, when it sees itself chasing, to cast cripples/chills, etc. We need AI that has target prioritization (that also opens up depth for NPCs hating certain races/classes/moves). So much needed to make this game more challenging. And if you always have people to tank for you, that’s a luxury that only works in PvE due to the poor AI. Step up and ‘tank’ yourself sometimes.
Five days a week, the daily healer comes up. Revive 10 allies. That would mean everyone in my group of friends has to be downed at least twice, and some of them three times, or we waste time hunting around for dead npcs.
Open world events. Dungeon NPCs. You don’t have to revive allies, NPCs go down often enough to supplement any of your allies going down. Swap in a revive skill every now and again. This speeds up the process.
There are also specific places on maps where NPCs are dead 24/7. Try the reactor in Metrica Province.
Three days a week, I waste materials crafting, when I’ve already maxed every craft on my character, and have everything I could ever want, made everything my friends could ever want for them.
This goes hand-in-hand with the daily gatherer. Just gather materials, refine them and sell them. What is wrong with you people?
Four days a week, I have to stop everything about how I play my ranger, jump in to melee range with a weapon I don’t like, and suck at the game enough to get 15 dodges.
This goes hand-in-hand with the daily gatherer. Just gather materials and DODGE enemies that try to hit you while doing so. Orr is perfect for this (lots of aggro and projectiles to dodge). If not that, mobs have projectiles…dodge them.
Every Thursday, my friends and I have to stop what we’re doing, and go in to a town to see a Laurel Vendor.
Every monday and saturday, my friends and I are forced to go play underwater combat, which A-net still hasn’t quite fixed.
This can go hand-in-hand with the daily gatherer. Just search for nodes in water, fight mobs you encounter and DODGE their moves. Refine the materials you craft later.
Veterans are ok, but annoying when you’re in the wrong place, or when people get to them faster than you.
Dungeons have plenty of Vets. Respawn timers are insane. You’re bound to come across an event or area where a Vet spawns if you don’t want to do Dungeons.
Kills, kill variety, gatherer, events. Each of those can be done in the widest spectrum of areas. In and out of water, in any zone in the game. A lot of people had trouble with Kill Variety in Orr, but there were a wide enough variety of critters you could kill to finish it, and it was never all that hard if you knew where to look.
Now, every day of the week has at least two daily objectives that force me and my friends to do stop playing the game, and do something stupid.
I dunno. Seems like you guys are just unimaginative. Some of these dailies you can do without even realizing you did them.
There is no reason I should have to leave the zone I’m in, or go someplace I don’t want to go, to complete a daily. As it stands now, there are a variety of places that simply don’t have enough dead npcs.
Daily gatherer, then sell or store the mats to speed-level an alt. There is absolutely no reason to craft useless things, wasting time, and throwing perfectly good money down the drain.
Nobody ever targets me. Ever. If they do, either my friends are doing something deeply wrong, or I am. That’s how group play works, very few people ever have to dodge if two of the people are doing their job right. It would be nice if they did, but I’d find a way to make them not in 45 minutes of any update A-net makes. You can’t make AI smart enough to outsmart a good team of five thinking humans. Not with the hardware and programmers that A-net can afford anyway. If dodges would count in sPvP, that would be awesome, as that’s someplace where the dodges actually happen for me, but I’m assuming that they don’t for a reason that hopefully makes sense to someone…
The problem with dungeons is that there’s simply too much punishment for doing them quickly for me to ever want to go in to one. By being good at the game, and completing dungeons quickly, the DR takes away 25% of my rewards. Until A-net fixes this, I won’t set foot in another. Out in the rest of the game, it’s not too much of a problem on most days, but occasionally can be.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
(edited by Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025)
There is no reason I should have to leave the zone I’m in, or go someplace I don’t want to go, to complete a daily. As it stands now, there are a variety of places that simply don’t have enough dead npcs.
Then don’t. Do events and NPCs will go down. The tougher the content, the more likely NPCs will die. The only way I could imagine people having trouble with this is if they literally do no exploration (you can find dead NPCs on the roads to other areas!) and absolutely refuse to do more variety in dynamic events…or they simply choose very easy content in the starter areas.
But even in the starter areas, Charr are getting beat down by ghosts, Vanguard are always going down trying to take Centaur camps, Hylek are constantly harassed by by Krait and Asuras are always sick inside that reactor.
Go ahead and list exactly what your group does and we might be able to find your problem.
Daily gatherer, then sell or store the mats to speed-level an alt. There is absolutely no reason to craft useless things, wasting time, and throwing perfectly good money down the drain.
This is no excuse. Bank only stores 250 of an item. Once you fill it, you either refine, craft with it, sell it or upgrade it to finer material. When you gather/salvage things, there is NO reason NOT to refine that stuff.
Nobody ever targets me. Ever. If they do, either my friends are doing something deeply wrong, or I am. That’s how group play works, very few people ever have to dodge if two of the people are doing their job right. It would be nice if they did, but I’d find a way to make them not in 45 minutes of any update A-net makes. You can’t make AI smart enough to outsmart a good team of five thinking humans. Not with the hardware and programmers that A-net can afford anyway. If dodges would count in sPvP, that would be awesome, as that’s someplace where the dodges actually happen for me, but I’m assuming that they don’t for a reason that hopefully makes sense to someone…
What kind of events do you do!? Are you only fighting 1 mob at a time? There are events with dozens of mobs throwing AoE, ranged and so forth. Bragging that 2 people carry you isn’t something to brag about.
There is no reason I should have to leave the zone I’m in, or go someplace I don’t want to go, to complete a daily.
I think it’s perfectly reasonable for us to have to try for the dailies. They aren’t meant to be freebies.. you have to actually try to complete them. As with the monthlies, I hardly ever do dungeons but I ran AC 5 times because I wanted to complete it. No one is forcing you to complete the dailies. If you want to complete dailies in 25 minutes, then yes, you may have to wp around to get them done efficiently. If you don’t mind spending time in favor of staying in one zone, you can complete all your dailies in that zone, but it will take you a little longer. My level 35 can complete all the dailies in about 30 minutes using 2 or 3 zones. If I wanted to stay in one zone it’d probably take a lot longer. But who cares?
I think Nels is just sick and tired of being forced to do something he doesn’t normally do, that which he doesn’t find fun doing.
I love doing the different dailies more than the last dailies, but Nels has a point.
If you like doing dungeons and no other content then you should be able to achieve the daily in the same amount of time a map completer can. If you are an orrian farmer then you should be able to complete laurel daily while not having to go back to LA or the other cities to do it (a trivial 3 silver I know). ANET isn’t forcing us to do unwanted content, but Nels point is that some of the dailies are not fun to do, and he advocates more generalized dailies.
Although I agree with Nels, I feel the daily select able achievement fix coming end of this month will fix most concerns (possibly it will be “achieve any 5”) and will be much loved by any person.
I think if possible we should instead turn attention to giving ANET more ideas for new dailies which we think is productive than comment on how a particular daily is unintuitive.
For the record – to get this achievement I have been known to stand in front of 5 Moas waiting for their aoe shriek.
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
I had been playing other games and only came back to gw2 in the last week or so, last night was the first time the daily dodge requirement came up for me (that i noticed anyway) and I thought it was terrible. Was fighting a vet wurm that was shooting boulders at me and dodging them added nothing to the score. I ended up going to wiki for help which advised me the best way to get it was to run into a zerg in wvw or orr and dodge randomly into it.
Perhaps. I’m not really commenting on the suggestion itself, but the problem. The points risen about the dailies feel far more forced than most of the previous dailies ever were.
Come on, saying ‘I don’t ever get targeted’. That sounds like a farce to me. I mean, look at some of the most simple basic events you come across constantly: Harpies taking Priory camp, any fight skillpoint event, large scale group events like dragons or frozen maw, any Orr event, etc. You don’t even have to be targeted to be able to dodge AoEs that mobs will throw out.
It’s impossible to never be the target of attacks. If so, you have to constantly move as far away from danger as possible as mobs could come from any direction. Then there’s roaming from point to point. Unless you’re under stealth constantly, you’ll be targeted by something eventually.
I’m starting to feel sorry for the rangers’ pets. They feel like they do so much and yet the ranger themselves wouldn’t return the favor to them…but yeah, I’ve never played a ranger. Maybe after seeing pets die often enough they become desensitized to it and don’t care :P
Dodging is got to be one of the easiest daily to complete. I enjoy doing the dailies, people need to stop over thinking the dailies and just do them. If you don’t like them don’t do them no one is forcing you to do dailies. Most of them can be completed in you daily game play without any effort
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens
Dodging is got to be one of the easiest daily to complete. I enjoy doing the dailies, people need to stop over thinking the dailies and just do them. If you don’t like them don’t do them no one is forcing you to do dailies. Most of them can be completed in you daily game play without any effort
People feel “forced” because they get rewards for doing them, especially Laurels which ATM are only achievable via Daily / Monthly.
Its a lose-lose situation really, because if you didn’t get anything worthwhile people would be complaining they weren’t worth doing. But with a worthwhile reward, people feel like they’re being forced into it.
I hate dodger too. If you are really good at avoiding damage, your skill at it will be faster than what the AI considers an “Evade”. I literally have to stand still and kitten it in PvE to get an “evade” to pop. Otherwise, I roll into a zerg just to get this daily requirement. Not fun, amusing, or entertaining.
For dodging as a game mechanic, I think it’s a mundane and juvenile attempt at creating drama and/or inducing an adrenaline response in players. Which isn’t even a healthy physiological response to purposefully evoke. Especially when they know they have a player base that play’s for hours per session.
tl:dr, Dodging is overrated. Anet needs to hire more mature workforce to balance the game out.
Go fight some karkas. Their first attack shoots severp pins at you and you can complete this in matter of minutes.
The only problem I have with this is that it does not work underwater!!!
Do not click this link!
Even if you had to deliberately go out of the way to do it, dodging doesn’t really take that long to complete. If you want something put at least some effort into it.
I usually go aggro vet oakhearts or ettin for this one as both have easily avoided attacks that give you abit more time to roll away form than some monsters who’s timers seem abit fast(some insects and underwater creatures can be weird for dodges), sure its sometimes abit annoying to get but its not exactly a pain to do….after this update chances are you wont ever need to bother with it again so put up with it for 1 more day.
only 1 question before the wall of text.
i see lot of people complaining about being “forced” or “compelled to go out of their way” to do something they wouldn’t in order to complete dailies…
so the question: what the hell do you do in the game when you don’t dodge, you don’t craft, you don’t visit a major city, you don’t gather, you don’t kill mobs, vets, fishes, you don’t heal, you don’t run dungeons, you don’t complete events, you don’t ever and ever change map to kill something different do something different?
come on guys, now seeing a laurel vendor is a problem? nobody coming back to cities to sell or do other stuff?
please, i can’t stand no more the daily whiner, they find stupid excuse to complain all the time, old dailies where pretty much similar to this but they were fine, now every now and then we see in the forum the unbeatable people who can’t dodge anything because they never get target (have you ever been everywhere in this game a minute alone?).
i can complete the dailies with each character i have, even with the ranger, but tell them how to do it it’s completely worthless, they will try to climb mirrors to have a point that is a problem only for them. they cannot simply do and get over it, no they have to complain and claim laurel reward to.
if you can’t stand to dodge, heal, kill thinks under or above water, if you think that crafting 10 bolt of jutes or ingots or leather or whatever is a waste of money, just stop doing the dailies and shut up.
(how can refine mats be a waste of money since you can earn more by refining i will never understand… god, i’ve so much thick leather i craft entire sets of epaulets just to waste them).
if you want do the daily so bad because of the prize, do it and stop finding lame excuse for a cheap complain in the forum.
i know i’m harsh but it’s very annoying to see people complain for every stupid think they can use their finger to complain about!
in the end to the original OP, how being hit is a dodge in your daily? usually people get dodge achievement for daily not being hit…
Join the Rainbow Pride
I had been playing other games and only came back to gw2 in the last week or so, last night was the first time the daily dodge requirement came up for me (that i noticed anyway) and I thought it was terrible. Was fighting a vet wurm that was shooting boulders at me and dodging them added nothing to the score. I ended up going to wiki for help which advised me the best way to get it was to run into a zerg in wvw or orr and dodge randomly into it.
you have to wait the very last moment, when you see the “evade” text pop out of your dodge you get the score. actually dodging wurms make you score twice. with some practice it become very easy
Join the Rainbow Pride
if you can’t stand to dodge, heal, kill thinks under or above water, if you think that crafting 10 bolt of jutes or ingots or leather or whatever is a waste of money, just stop doing the dailies and shut up.
Thank you. I was actually rather appalled someone complained about the daily crafting. There is absolutely no reason to complain about that. No reason at all. But if you can find an excuse to complain about it too, then yeah, you’d probably complain about anything, even if it’s something you personally want to do…because one of your made-up friends might not like it sometimes so it’s a problem…
you have to wait the very last moment, when you see the “evade” text pop out of your dodge you get the score. actually dodging wurms make you score twice. with some practice it become very easy
Also, persistent patches that pulse, like poison fields or whatever, if you’re hit by them but dodge out, if you manage to dodge a pulse, it will also show up as evaded.
no leave it at 15/15
it is fine as it is now.
working as intended.
please do not fix what is not broken.
you have to wait the very last moment, when you see the “evade” text pop out of your dodge you get the score. actually dodging wurms make you score twice. with some practice it become very easy
Also, persistent patches that pulse, like poison fields or whatever, if you’re hit by them but dodge out, if you manage to dodge a pulse, it will also show up as evaded.
not to mention you likely get not one dodge for doing those but likely 3-4 most times at least
Well from today I believe your going to be able to pick which tasks you do to complete your daily.
So the problem for people having trouble with dodges will probably be gone.
I play a Ranger, and can do my dodges in a few minutes without even thinking about it by just using a great sword,