Daily Server Restart Needed

Daily Server Restart Needed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naczos.4856


When patches where added every day for some time after game release servers where restarted daily when patches were coming on. These restarts were fixing most of minor bugs like skill point bugs or event bugs. Now when we are few days without patches half of events in top zones are bugged and not accessible same as Arah dungeon for the same reason. Early morning quick server restart would fix all of these bugged locations and would make a lot of players happy when now a lot of ppl are irritated cause they cant do o lot of events. A lot of events in top zones are chained as well so one bug blocks a lot of other events which are supposed to come in after. I would say a lot of ppl will agree with my sugestion and it would make playing for everyone a lot easier and less annoying.

Daily Server Restart Needed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


I would agree, but it’s a temporary measure. I’m sure ArenaNet would much rather fix these problems so that they never occur in the first place.

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Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Daily Server Restart Needed

in Suggestions

Posted by: chucky.4798


This is true, it would be much easier to play. It would be a temporary solution. The real problem is not eliminated. This would be good if they could be fix.

Daily Server Restart Needed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jahaudant.9267


While the better solution would be to fix the events and skill points that are prone to bugs I do agree that it would be awesome to have a daily reset as a temporary band aid solution

Daily Server Restart Needed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naczos.4856


I agree with all of you above bugs should be fixed permamently, my idea is a temporary solution untill it happens as i understand fixing all bugs might take a while.