Damage Meter

Damage Meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I am absolutely opposed to damage meters in GW2.

GW2 would see more benefit from a meter that gauged a player’s effective use of dodging, or perhaps combo fields, but none of these meters are necessary. DPS isn’t even close to an accurate measure of player skill in this game. It’s debatable whether it is a measure of skill in any game.

Damage Meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I don’t believe that a DPS meter will correctly see skill levels. However, gear inspection will see skill levels better.

A skilled player will avoid damage, a non-skilled player destroys DPS for survivability. The skilled player will not need toughness, vitality, healing power or any defensive stats if he never lost any hp. If the non-skilled player wore Berserker armor and died very often, it will be very easy to notice and you can kick them.

Gear does not equal skill, lol I as my guardian mitigated a AC explore boss ( the troll event ) better than the 80 guardian in HoTW gear. Please Gear = skill in a game that is not gear based. Take that WoWmentality back to WoW, hell even in WoW Gear doesn’t mean you have skill just means you have been carried enough times to get the gear.

You didn’t even read the post.

-Skilled player wear Berserker armor.

-Non-skilled players wear any kind toughness/vit/healing power/defensive stats armor to survive more.

-Skilled players don’t need defensive stats because they can avoid damage. Why bother wearing any other armor if a skilled player takes 0 damage in any kinds of armor.

-Non-skilled players that wear Berserker armor will die very often.

-Skilled players will contribute more DPS and then the boss will die faster.

You think that I am talking about checking Exotics/Masterworks/Rare/Blues and that is completely false.

This is mostly true, with the exception of players that want to be support classes wearing healing power bonuses and such.

There is a certain degree of toughness that is alright, but in all honesty if you’re looking to contribute to the group, you’ll do better being either full on support or complete glass cannon. Many classes have viable ways of mitigating damage without using gear to do so, such as Warrior Greatsword whirling attack or Mesmer Sword Blurred Frenzy (#2). Thief’s attacks have evasions attatched to a lot of them, as do Rangers.

You should not be gearing to be a tank in this game. Here’s why: you dont need one. There’s no solid aggro table, and toughness only gives you the ability to take maybe 2-5 more hits before going down on top of the 3 hits it would already take. If you really want to contribute, hone your reaction times and contribute more dps/support to help end the fight more quickly.

Key points:

-Evade through skills.
-Don’t be tunnel visioned.

With those three key points, you can be an efficient glass cannon, contribute 5x more than a “beefy” character, and end encounters that much more quickly.

Don’t believe me? Go look up CoF Path 1 speed runs in google/youtube. The path isn’t cleared in ten minutes because of tanky characters, I’ll tell you that much.

Edit: Forgot to actually add to the main idea of the thread, lol. My bad :P

I would like a damage meter, even if it was only showed my DPS alone. It’d help me figure out what’s working and what isn’t.

And don’t feed me the “You can’t correctly judge dps because encounters require you to dodge and move!” If this were the case, Recount in WoW would of been long extinct. You think raiders just sit around and mash buttons? The whole point is to do the best DPS you can WHILE moving out of those red circles, dodging those attacks, and maintaining self-efficiency.

And for those who say this causes people to be judged, well, sorry. Welcome to the real world. I guarantee you people are judging regardless of meters or not being implemented. The idea is to play with people that you want to work with and want to grow in skill with. I’m not saying it’s right to judge someone because of their DPS. But it happens, and you can just assume those people are jerks and ignore them.

But for those of us who really want to bring our characters into their prime, the ability to record statistics is needed.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Damage Meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rampage.7145


if u really want to know, Warrior deal 2x damage than any other class, 2nd may be thief but far